Desert Messenger

March 2, 2011

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M���� 2, 2011 “A PROPOSAL FOR QUARTZSITE” Submitted by Alex Taft, Quartzsite Town Manager After reading the editorial in the Parker Pioneer regarding a propos- al for Quartzsite, I was appalled at the suggestion. While it is clear that Quartzsite’s politics are toxic as stated, no effort was made to explore why. The “them and us” mentality re- ferred to began about the time the former Mayor Oldham and then May- or, Byrd were locked in serious dif- ferences that culminated in criminal accusations and imprisonment. That event bifurcated the Town. Since then the greed-driven boss hog mentality has governed, as a behind the scenes infl uence that occasionally erupted as yet another recall, most of which were promoted by “Recall Hal”. When Hal was elected to the Council the recalls stopped for about three years. When Wes Huntley, who spearheaded the fi rst recall against former Mayor Old- ham, was appointed as Mayor, the blast from the past was renewed and gained momentum. Added to this tox- ic mix was a drive to register vendors and transients to vote. Almost seven hundred people voted in the last elec- tion. That is nearly twice the average number of voters in a Quartzsite elec- tion. Many of these people, including some candidates did not have Arizona driver’s licenses or Arizona license plates. The incumbent council held their seats. Within one month, recalls were fi led on the incumbents. To suggest dis-incorporation as a solution simply negates all the good work of many council members and supports the lack of oversight and chaos the boss hogs love. Does any- one truly dispute the wonderful work Chuck Busby accomplished for the Town by creating an outstanding re- lationship with ADOT that kept the Town’s needs front and center that resulted in a fi ve-lane road for B-10, and a four lane roadway for highway ���.D�����M��������.��� 95? The entire county benefi ts from that as do they benefi t from Quartz- site’s seasonal prosperity and I10 traffi c all year long. A clean and pros- perous community benefi ts every- one from the business owners to the residents to the retirees. Quartzsite is growing and requires the security and stability that a local police force, a town administration and elected offi - cials provide. Where would our parks, library, transit service and recreation programs go if Quartzsite were to dis- incorporate? The county has its own fi nancial issues and would certainly be burdened if Quartzsite town gov- ernment were to disappear. Addition- ally, property values would stagger under the burden of Town debt that is apportioned to each property owner. This would affect the Town’s pros- perity which would in turn affect the county’s. When and where would the domino affect stop? On its face, the editorial, despite its positive remarks about Quartzsite be- ing a wonderful town, spits in the face of all of the Town’s achievements. Do we have a black eye? Most certainly. But what many at the state are watch- ing us for is to see how we work our- QIA SATURDAY NIGHT! 7-10pm • $2 donation. DANCES EVERY Music by the Westernaires 928-927-6325 235 E. Ironwood St., Quartzsite DENTURES $350 Full Set • US Military trained w/ 30 plus years experience • Satisfaction Guaranteed! • Partials starting at $175 QUARTZSITE SNOWBIRD SPECIAL: Same Day Dentures and 1 Hour Reline/Repairs!! Dental Laboratory Service Call: 623-444-4013 • Goodyear, AZ Across from Carl’s Jr. behind the Tool Store The Main Event 500 S. Quartzsite Blvd., Quartzsite A Full Service Salon Facial Waxing Walk-ins & Appointments Beauty Salon Now 2 locations serving you! Nu Vu Salome & Quartzsite PEDICURES $25 PERMS $40 928-927-5201 selves through a very real dilemma in a time when elected offi cials are no longer safe and many cities and towns in Arizona are reevaluating their se- curity. Security and stability are sim- ple goals but they are very real and should never be taken for granted. The solution fl ies in the face of those goals. Peace is the result of hard work and resolve, not surrender. “It isn’t enough to talk about peace, one must believe it. And it isn’t enough to be- lieve in it, one must work for it.” Elea- nor Roosevelt Alex Taft, Town Manager SNOWBIRDS: Before you leave town think of lightening your RV by donating excess food to the Quartzsite Food Bank. They’re open Tuesday and Thursday mornings 8-noon. Stop by the Food Bank on Moon Moun- tain Rd., just north of the Senior Center. Don’t leave those cans of food to explode in the heat! Give to the needy! The best little RV Park in Quartzsite! NIGHTLY • WEEKLY • MONTHLY RENTALS Al‛s RV Park Clean and comfortable On the quiet side of Quartzsite at the corner of S. Riggles Ave. and East Kuehn. Call 928-927-6715 P��� 23

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