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P��� 28 ���.D�����M��������.��� “ADDICTED TO DEALS” CELEBRATE OUR 20TH ANNIVERSARY DEALS! OVER 10,000 DIFFERENT ITEMS! All at bargain prices: Jewelry, toys, wind chimes, porcelain dolls, chocolate, dragons, wizards, fairies, books, leather, CDs, DVDs, VHS, over 50,000 bottles of vitamins and minerals & lots more! 1. While they last: Porcelain Dolls, Buy 1 get 1 FREE! 2. Cranberry 30 mg. $299 or 2/$499 3. Vitamin C 500 mg. 300 tablets $399 4. Sterling Rings 3/$999 5. Grill on the Go $399 6. Advil PM 40 ct. $1299 7. Robitussin $100 each. 6/$500 PSD* 8. Coffee 5 lbs. for $999 9. Hot Packs (Made in USA) $2499 10. Cold Packs (Made in USA) $2999 12. Garlic Odor Control $299 14. Airborn $589 11. Glucosamine Chondroitin Liquid Packs $2499 NOW 3/$999 or 2/$499 13. Osteo Build Dr. David Williams $2299 Buy 1 get 2 FREE! 15. Aloe Vera Cream 1 oz. $100 16. Vitamin E Skin Cream 4 oz. 3/$999 17. Vitamin C Nature‛s Made $999 retail. NOW $999 @ Wal-Mart NOW 3/$999 each. Buy 1 get 2 FREE! retail. NOW $100 PSD* 18. Ester C 500 mg. Time Release (Natrol) 200 ct. $2599 NOW $299 19. Cholesterol Intercept (lower your cholesterol) $1499 NOW $299 20.Acidopholis (Pro Biotic) $1749 retail. NOW $299 21. Cinnamon (Natrol) $1749 22. Maalox Liquid 12 oz. $100 retail. NOW $499 each 23. Lutein 50 ct. 2/$499 24. Pomegranate 90 softgels $399 25. Mineral Ice $100 each 26. Visit our Dollar Vitamin Section 27. Nicorette $4999 28. Micatin $100 each 29. Advil 30 ct. $100 each PSD* 30. Claritin 45 ct. $2999 retail. NOW $799 31. All Depends & Poise Buy 1 get 1 FREE PSD* (Past Shelf Date) Visit our New Store: ADDICTED TO DEALS, TOO! 1198 W. Main, Quartzsite! (formerly Gem World) - Across from Pilot 1270 W. MAIN ST. (ACROSS FROM MCDONALD‛S) 928-927-DEAL (3325) retail. NOW $1999 retail. retail. PSD* Lowers sugar! B . retail. NOW $499 retail. NOW $499 retail. or 2/$499 Limit 6 While they last! @ Wal-Mart NOW $100 NOW $100 6/$499 CANDIDATES FROM PAGE 1 Due to time constraints Jones’ name remains on the ballot. As of press time, there is no confi rmation on the result of the investigation. In a separate case, Jones’ Nov. 22, 2010 complaint fi led with the U. S. Dis- trict Court in Phoenix, Arizona against the Town of Quartzsite “Body Politic” was dismissed on Jan. 26, 2011 by John W. Sedwick, US District Judge. The clerk’s offi cial statement said “judgment is ordered against plaintiff. Complaint and action are dismissed.” According to court documents, Jones asked the court to grant a Preliminary Injunction where she accused the council of illegal actions; “of conspira- cy to deny Jones of her Constitutional rights; making legislative changes that further their personal agendas; direct- ing staff to investigate, threaten, ha- rass and intimidate citizens who seek to oppose them politically; abusing authority of government; to shut down dissent by intentionally denying free speech, due process, equal treatment and equal protection under the law; witness tampering at the direction of Council and the Police Chief.” M���� 2, 2011 These serious allegations presented by Jones were dismissed on Jan. 26th, but there has not been any mention by Jones neither in print nor online. There is, however, a direct attack against the person who fi led the complaint ques- tioning her residency. It’s been a busy week for some other council candidates. A newly released audio recording was recently posted on the Internet of Candidate Pat Work- man asking, “How many ropes do we need? We need about 10 ropes... from the nearest tree” when discussing the town council and staff. Candidate Da- vid “Red” Gjerdhal responded saying, “It’s a big desert out there!” Jones is the owner of “A Fur Sa- lon”, and self-proclaimed “producer” of “The Desert Freedom Press” a new tabloid in Quartzsite, which Town re- cords show no business license has been issued. Jones said, “No other license has been proven to be required and I have never been fi ned for operating any business in Quartzsite without a license, ever.” Jones has a pretrial hearing on March 9th regarding charges of allegedly fi l- ing false police report, regarding an in- cident with Building Offi cial Al John- son on Nov. 19, 2010. Do you have Neuropathy, Diabetes, Poor Circulation, or Just Aches & Pains? Refl exology Put your feet in my hands and let Nature start to heal. 1 HOUR SESSION $30 Behind the Senior Center, next to Cactus Curlers 735 W. Cowell Recycle... Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite Sponsored by Funds raised by PNQ will support the events planned by the Arizona Centennial Commi� ee of Quartzsite! (A� er the centennial year, PNQ will con� nue the program) Call for your appointment today! 480-532-0434 it all adds up! Recycle your empty inket cartridges and used cell phones! Help raise funds for the local Arizona Centennial celebration! DROP OFF LOCATIONS: • Horizon Community Bank • Quartzsite Library • Senior Center • General Store • Business Chamber Remember... “If you‛re not shopping at ‘Addicted to Deals‛ you are missing a bargain shopping experience”!