Desert Messenger

November 17, 2010

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P��� 8 Around Town has released their Craft Show schedule for the upcoming 2010/2011 season. The Craft shows are held the third Fri- day of each month throughout the sea- son from November through March. Plan ahead for the following dates: Nov. 19, Dec. 17, Jan. 21, Feb. 18, and March 18. Hours are Fridays 9am to 1pm. For more information visit the Quartzsite Senior Citizens Center, 40 Moon Mt. Ave. or call 928-927-6496. at the Q Check Shell Station, Sat. Nov. 6 at 7pm. Cruise Night started during CRUISE IN SAT. NOV. 20 Join the fun for the next Cruise Night CRAFT SHOW FRI. NOV. 19 The Quartzsite Senior Citizen Center ���.D�����M��������.��� the summer and continues every other Saturday night for folks to gether and check out the classic and antique ve- hicles. There’s specials on hot dogs, drinks, and ice cream. Check out the cool vehicles and enjoy your neighbors and make new friends. QUARTZSITE COMMUNITY PREVENTION COALITION MEETS NOV. 18 The Quartzsite Community Prevention Coalition will meet on Thursday, Oct. 21 at 10am at the Fire Station. Please join us for our discussion of upcom- ing events and help in our fight against substance abuse. GARDEN CLUB meets the 3rd Monday of each month at the Quartzsite Library 4:15 pm. BOOK SALE TUES. NOV. 30TH Quartzsite Library will hold a Book Sale on Tues. Nov. 30 from 8am-5pm. Come check out the new additions! 465 N. Plymouth, Quartzsite. QIA CRAFT SHOW SAT. DEC. 4TH The QIA monthly craft show will be held Sat. Dec. 4, from 9-1pm. 235 E. Ironwood, Quartzsite for beginners on Wednesdays, at Gold Star Resort in the Recreation Hall at 9.00 a.m. New students are welcome at any time. Classes for Intermediate and Advanced will be held at QIA at a time to be determined later. If you are in- terested in learning how to clog, please call 303-549-9236 or come to Gold Star Wednesday mornings. THE DESERT SINGLES Come join the Desert Singles Fridays at Beauty Salon Nu Vu Fri. Nov. 19 The Main Event 500 S. Quartzsite Blvd., Quartzsite 20% OFF PERMS AND COLORS! A full service salon Walk-ins & Appointments 928-927-5201 Quality RV ONSITE & IN-SHOP RV REPAIRS Ceramic Brick Propane Heaters! Single-brick and 2-brick BLU FLAME HEATERS, TOO! COMPLETE PARTS DEPARTMENT 928-927-3490 Now 2 locations serving you! Salome & Quartzsite Bring a friend & get 1/2 off one haircut! 10am in the QIA Dining Room, Quartz- site. There’s trips, bonfires, music, danc- ing, “have chuckwagon, will travel”. Contact Geraldine, 307-871-9149 our next meeting! The Executive Board will meet at 9 am. We have lots of new and exciting news for the membership and the community as we will be meet- ing with the State and local BLM Offic- es to discuss and hopefully implement our Trail Proposal Plan. We have asked for and received the support of the Towns of Quartzsite and Parker City Councils and the La Paz County Board of Supervisors. Dis- trict 3 Supervisor Holly Irwin is now leading this Trail Proposal Plan. We are ready to go and look for an exciting year for the community and ATV Rid- are the 2nd Monday of the month at 10 am (new time) at the Senior Center, 40 Moon Mt. Rd. Please join us on Mon. Dec. 13 for ARIZONA SUNRIDERS ATV CLUB Our regularly scheduled meetings CLOGGERS IN QUARTZSITE! Cactus Cloggers is starting up lessons N������� 17, 2010 ers in the Area. For more information check with Alex Taft, Quartzsite Town Manager and The Parker City Council. Richard McGill President Arizona Sun Riders. SENIOR CENTER HAPPENINGS Saturday Breakfast! Delicious Lunch- es are served Monday through Friday, 12 noon sharp. Suggested donation is only $3. Stop by and spent some time in the cool air, we have daily WiFi, cards and numerous games available so get your group together and come on down. Coffee, tea and water is ready at all times. FRIDAY NIGHT DANCES RETURN Come join us for a night of dancing & entertainment at the Quartzsite Senior Center on Moon Mt. Rd. We are look- ing forward to seeing all of you there. Nov. 19th - “THE RAILSPLITTERS” No dance Thanksgiving weekend. Dec. 3 “THE TRAVELERS” Dec. 10 “THE TRAVELERS” Dec. 17 “RAILSPLITTERS” Dancing & fun listening from 7pm - 10pm. $3 donation. CLUB SCHEDULE AT SENIOR CENTER •Art Guild - 1st & 3rd Thurs. 6:30 pm •AZ Sunriders 2nd Monday at 10am •GFWC - every 4th Mondays at 7 pm •VFW Auxiliary - 3rd Tuesdays at 6:30 pm • WIC - 3rd Thursday at 9 am •Veterans Services - 3rd Tues. 9am-noon •Rock Painting - Mondays 9-11 am •AZ Centennial - 1st Thursday at 4 am •PNQ - every 2nd Thursday at 4 pm 40 Moon Mt. Quartzsite. 927-6496. Mineral Club weekly meetings on Thurs- days at 2:00 pm in the QIA Hall thru March. Interested? Come to the meetings. The Quartzsite Road Runners Gem and Mineral Club Shop at 65 Ironwood Dr., behind La Mesa RV lot is now open! Visi- tors are always welcome!  SEE AROUND TOWN ON PAGE 9 Generator Repair 70 W. Main St. • Quartzsite • The BIG YELLOW BUILDING! JUST IN TIME FOR WINTER! RV Appliances Furnaces Install Hitches, Tow Bars Electrical Troubleshooting 12 YEARS IN QUARTZSITE! Propane Stoves Refrigerators A/C Systems Welding Plumbing INTERSTATE BATTERIES Deep Cycle ◆ ONAN ◆ GENERAC ◆ KOHLER ◆ PORTABLES FOR REPAIRS, CALL BOB 623-224-7655 ROAD RUNNERS GEM & MINERAL CLUB The Quartzsite Road Runners Gem and WE’VE MOVED! “BIG YELLOW on Main” NOW OPEN!

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