Desert Messenger

November 17, 2010

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N������� 17, 2010 Real Estate advertised in Desert Messenger is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1988. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertising for Real Estate which is in violation of the law. YARD SALE NOV. 18, 19, 20. Thus. Fri. Sat. 8am-1pm. 375 E. Ironwood, near the cor- ner east of QIA. YARD SALE NOV. 19 & 20 Rainbow Acres is having their community yard sale this weekend, November 19th and 20th 8am – 2pm. YARD SALE NOV. 20 8-5 135 E. Sunrise St. Cactus Patch RV Park, space 24. BOOK SALE, TUES. NOV. 30 8am-5pm. Quartzsite Library. Check out our new additions. 465 N. Plymouth. YARD SALE DEC. 4, 8-5 150 E. Cowell St. Cactus Patch RV Park in front on patio. BIG YARD & CRAFTS SALE! FRIDAY DEC 10 8AM-1PM Park wide sale at The Scenic Road RV Park (formerly Des- ert Sunset) on Central Blvd across from RV Pit Stop. Lots of bargains and goodies for sale. 928-927-6443 HANDYMAN. Painting, small carpentry jobs, yardwork, and cleaning. Also will buy small trailers or clean sheds. Call Jim 719-395-2656. KEYS LOST between Las Palomas and No Name, Joshua and Hwy. 95. Ring of car, house, P.O. Box, and others. Please call 298-287-4515. FOR SALE: Matching (2) blue occasional chairs, solid, non- swivel/rocking. Exceptional condition. $30 each or $50 pair. 10” bench table saw on stand with extra blade. $50. 405-274-5333. ALTERATIONS BY AMY 40 years experience. Custom sewing, all types of alterations. Pick up and delivery. 775-217- 7143 TRAILER FOR SALE- 28 ft. Kit Companion. All set up, with large sunroom, completely covered. Priced for quick sale $4500. JR’s RV Park, space 140, Quartzsite. Call 775-530- 1440 BLUE FLAME HEATER for sale. 10,000 BTU excellent con- dition. $100. 298-287 4515. ���.D�����M��������.��� CLASSIFIEDS EARLY 70’s AMERICAN CAMPER Slide-in Over-cab fiberglass truck camper, empty inside, good condition, $425. Quartzsite. 864-985-2080 WANTED: PART TIME HELP on Fridays from 9am - 1pm. Call 928-533-4588. NOTICE: Due to poor health, I am no longer able to have yard sales. What I have I’d like to sell, all or part for set price. For appointment to come see good new & used stuff, call 928-927-5947. TWO- 35 WATT SOLAR PANELS with solar guard 14 amp, regulator and meter, $275. Chainsaw- Husquvarna Rancher 61- 20 in. bar, $225. Keene A52 (10”x 51”) Sluice box $65. 928-927-7380 ELECTRIC MOBILITY SCOOTER LIFT, Hercules 3000 for Pick-up bed, Van, or Automobile trunk. Good condi- tion. $300. 928-927-7407 or 928-916-3610 cell. 7 FT. GRAY SOFA/HIDE-A-BED, very good condition. Mattress is 5’x6. In Quartzsite. $150/ OBO. 928-927-5687. WANTED: TRANSMISSION, C6 Ford, 17 bolt pan. Reason- able, in good condition. 641- 680-1998. HOUSE FOR RENT IN QUARTZSITE 2 bedroom, 2 bath, appliances, large fenced yard on 3 sides, 2 covered patios, carport. $600/ mo. 1st, last + security. No in- door pets. 928-859-3801. or 503-201-4558. 1984 PARK MODEL wide slide-out/full length, Ari- zona Room, furnished, queen bed, 2 recliners, lots of win- dows, 2.5 ton heat pump/AC, appl., storage shed, workshop, washer, gas generator. Holiday Palms sp. A-10. $15,000/OBO. 503-970-1181 UNDER Q MOUNTAIN. For sale by owner, 2 bedroom, 2 bath home. A/C, shed, patios, propane fireplace, appliances. RV hookup. Must see! Bargain priced at only $89,500. 405-664-7002. GOLF CART FOR SALE Excellent condition. New bat- teries & charger. Runs great. $1650. 951-323-0222. SMALL COMMERCIAL BUILDING for rent. Perfect for massage, tatoo artist, etc. Very reason- able, utilities included. Call 928-916-0172 / 928-927-6359. SINGLE MALE LOOKING for adventurous funloving female companion (21-55 yrs.) Would enjoy desert golfing, bike rid- ing, watching sporting events, bowling, etc. I’m great with kids. Write KS Miller, PO Box 1250, Quartzsite, AZ 85346 or call 928-927-6389. BOOGIE & BLUES PIANO show-Paul Winer- is avail- able for bookings. Performed professionally as “Sweet Pie”. Comedy, Music, Caberet for Rec Halls, Cafes, Lounges, & Concerts. 928-927-6551. 1996 1000 SQ. FT MFG. HOME in Rainbow Acres. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Huge garage and jacuzzi. Lots of ceramic tile on floors and countertops. ALL Appliances in- cluded, even washer/dryer. ALL landscaped and sprinklered. Very nice. $163, 000/offer. 928- 486-9955. HAIR STYLIST WANTED for busy salon in Quartzsite. Must have an Arizona license. Call 928- 916-0172 or 928-927-6359. SOFA SLEEPER $50, you take away. Mauve color. No longer needed and we need the space. Call Shawn at The Scenic Road RV Park 928-927-6443 1984 CHEVY MOTORHOME, 40K Actual Miles on Engine, Fully Self-Contained with Elec- tric/LP Frig Like New! New Tires & Aluminum Rims, New $1,500 Awning, Onan Genera- tor Works Great! $5,000 O.B.O. MUST SEE! 1-928-927-5050. MOBILE HOME FOR SALE in Mtn. Quail Mobile Home Park, Quartzsite, Az. Space #34. Space rent paid thru Dec. 2010. $17,500, furnished, 24’x12’ covered deck. Make offer. 928- 927-5075 or 541-301-4303. HOUSEKEEPING: open/close seasonal homes, general clean- ing of yards, RVs, etc. Reason- able rates. Trades considered. References available. Call Christine 303-552-4146. Or email FOR SALE Baby Weber Grill $50. Dog Training Collar $75. Dog Barking Collar $45. King Pin Stabalizer $65. Please call 702-524-6342 or Desert Gold RV Resort #D20 in Brenda FOR SALE 2006 1200 sq. ft. Cavco. 3 bedroom/2bath on 1/3rd acre. 2 car attached ga- rage. Very nice home, in town of Q. ALL fenced. Must see to appreciate. $179,000. OBO 928-486-9955 WANTED: RESTAURANT WORK in Quartzsite for the winter months in exchange for room & board. Newly retired middle- aged lady truck driver is de- termined to be a snowbird! Contact Sally, 989-925-7991 2 ads for $ CAREER IN REAL ESTATE? Local real estate office is loking for agents to join our “team”. If you have your license in another state, we can help you get the credentials needed to sell in Arizona. Year round or seasonal selling is great for us, maybe for you too? Might consider a new licensee. Call Paula, 951-314-5443. HANDYMAN ZANE Fix it or build it. Professional, year-round, references, reason- able rates, work guaranteed. Happy to help! Free estimates. Not a licensed contractor. 928-927-5240. 1996 1000 SQ. FT MFG. HOME in Rainbow Acres. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Huge garage and jacuzzi. Lots of ceramic tile on floors and countertops. ALL Appliances in- cluded, even washer/dryer. ALL landscaped and sprinklered. Very nice. $163, 000/offer. 928- 486-9955. RAINBOW ACRES, Quartzsite. Lovely 1600 sq. ft. home, 3 bedrooms/2 bath. Retreat to our greenhouse lounge or rooftop. Backs onto desert. $675/mo. Michael Kirk for more info. 928- 575-5335. (corrected phone #) CARETAKER WANTED for se- curity purpose on 30 acres near Quartzsite. Some light chores in trade for FREE RV space. Available immediately. Call for details. 951-532-5604. WANT TO RENT: from Dec. 1 thru May 1, fully furnished 1 bedroom. Non-smoking, no pets. In Quartzsite area. Call 208-983-3924. Recycle... Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite Sponsored by Funds raised by PNQ will support the events planned by the Arizona Centennial Commi�ee of Quartzsite! (A�er the centennial year, PNQ will con�nue the program) 8 928-785-7204, 541-218-2560 1972 32’ TRAVEL TRAILER, 4x8 lean-out, tires like new, $1750. Call Scott @ 623-202- 1171, or 928-927-5687. 1999 DODGE CARAVAN. Runs good, needs body work, $1500. 928-927-9551. FOR SALE 24FT 1996 5TH WHEEL great condition with pop out, $6,000 or best offer. Located at 62 N Washington. Please call George at (928) 446-5955 or (928) 927-5016. QUARTZSITE: 2,000 SQ.FT. home, ceiling fans in all rooms, large open kitchen with appli- ances, 3 bedroom, 2 bath (1 with large garden tub and walk- in shower), fireplace, central air, and large long 14x42 ft. finished awning in back with fans. Finished workshop 28x24 ft, garage 34x28 ft. with 14.5 garage door (19 ft. ceiling) to fit in your large trailer, or? 1RV Hook-up also. Lots of cement incl. driveway, fencing and maintenance-free...and, pool! $289,000. Call for questions and appt. 760-415-2021. 8000 BTU WINDOW A/C Westpoint, w/remote control. one-year old, like new, $140. Quartzsite. 864-985-2080.” 1994 33’ CARDINAL 5TH WHEEL with 1 large slide. Furnished in- cluding washer/dryer. Large cov- ered private patio with 2 sheds. 88 Shades sp 64. $6500. Call 719-839-0782 1983 CHEVY G20 VAN. Car- peted floor and roof, clean, fold-down back seat. Roomy! Runs good, needs new home. $600/OBO. 541-218-2560. it all adds up! Recycle your empty inket cartridges and used cell phones! Help raise funds for the local Arizona Centennial celebration! DROP OFF LOCATIONS: • Horizon Community Bank • Quartzsite Library • Senior Center • General Store • Business Chamber MOBILE HOME FOR SALE in Mtn. Quail Mobile Home Park, Quartzsite, Az. Space #34. Space rent paid thru Dec. 2010. $17,500, furnished, 24’x12’ covered deck, 928-927-5075 or 541-301-4303. Dec. 1st issue is WED. NOV. 24 email desertmessenger7 541-218-2560 Deadline for P��� 31 FREE CLASSIFIEDS* 4.50/ad or *for items under $999 (30 words, 1/mo./private party) 30 words $

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