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FREE! WED. NOV. 17, 2010 Vol. 7 Issue #119 PLEASE TAKE ONE hand up to those in need Submitted by Joanne Winer With the economy going steadily down these past few years, N�� O�����! Isaiah 58 Project giving a more and more people are needing help than ever before (at least since the last depression). Some have lost their jobs, their homes, and their means of support. They can be seen all over the country, at homeless shelters and soup kitchens, trying just to stay alive. Quartzsite has also had its share of people who fall through Quartzsite’s FREE Community Paper Quartzsite’s Public Art Event showcasing “local rock stars”! the hungry--they are only open for 5 months a year right now. Their new indoor kitchen facility where there used to be a res- taurant, now has a very up to date kitchen that is used every day to feed about 40 people, with over 200 coming to get fed during the winter months. Their aim is to help people who are looking to get work, find a home, get a new start on life. To date, they have helped over 600 people get their IDs in order (some people don’t even know how to get started to get the paperwork). They have helped pro- vide 1200 jobs--vendors and business people call them and ask for day workers to help them, and Isaiah provides the help they need. live by the tenets of the word of God and help others without judging them has been the Isaiah Project 58 in Quartzsite. What started out in 1987 as a food wagon, grew in 2003 to a food kitchen a the Community Bible Church on Sunrise St., has now found a home at the property on Moon Mountain Road that houses their church offices, sanctuary, food kitchen, clothing outlet, and much more. In the past 6 years since they have been on the old Solar City property, they have done much to benefit those less fortunate in the community, and the strangers pass- ing through who come to them for help. Since 2006, Isaiah Project 58 has put out 78,000 meals for the cracks when their monthly income just doesn’t go as far as it used to, their spouse passes away and leaves them without in- come, they do not qualify for subsidized help from government agencies. It is a problem that is seen all over the country. Those who choose to ignore the problem and hope it goes away are not facing reality. One group that has chosen not to ignore the problem, but to Quartzite, AZ- Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite (PNQ) is sponsoring the 2nd Annual Rockin’ in Quartzsite-A Celebra- tion of the Arts. Chicago had cows, Grants Pass had bears…Quartzsite is the Rock Capital of the World, so it’s only natural to have “Rock Art” for Quartzsite’s Public Art Event! PNQ held an Artist Reception, Saturday, November 6, 2010, at the “Rock Motel” (a converted warehouse at Tyson Wells Showgrounds). This public got their first glimpse of the “Rock Art”! 14 local art- ists plus 16 Quartzsite Elementary School students participated in this year’s paint- ing. The Rock Art is now on display all throughout town during the winter sea- son. This year’s theme is “The Beauty of the Sonoran Desert”. Quartzsite Youth VOTE TODAY & everyday! http://www.refresheverything. com/dreamsofartinquartzsite (L to R) Ron Hines, Richard Sales, and Jesse Koontz helped on Sun. Nov. 7, 2010 with delivery of the first “Rock Art” to Tyson Wells Showgrounds office. Everyone is invited to take the Self-Guided Tour using the “Rockin’ Map” listed on page 22 of this issue of the Desert Mes- senger. While visiting each Rock Art, be sure to vote for the People’s Choice Award at each sponsor’s location. And please say thank you to all the sponsors! Voting will continue through the end of February. they don’t have a way home, and they have provided many peo- ple--160 at least--with bus tickets or other transportation when they are stranded and need to get home. They also hand out over SEE ISAIAH 58 ON PAGE 3 They also help transport people from hospitals and jail when At the conclusion of the event, a live Rock Auction will be held at Town Park on March 5, 2011. This is your chance to own a one-of-a-kind “Rock Art”. Make your plans to attend this fun event! The “Rock Art” is a must see while visiting Quartzsite! MAIN STREET EATERY 205 E. Main St. Michelle’s Famous Biscuits & Gravy Served All Day! • Egg Strata • Waffles • Scramble • Walking Tacos • Quesadilla • Burgers • Brown Rice w/ veg., tofu or chicken • Vienna Beef Hot Dogs • Taco Salad • Cappucino • Latte • Quartzsite Freeze • Baked Goods • Free Coffee with any Meal OPEN DAILY 6am-8pm Breakfast 6am-11am Lunch/Dinner 11-close Daily Dinner Specials (Entry & Parking west of Main St. Laundromat) 928-308-0011 2 What’s Inside 4-5 8-9 Editorial Letters to Editor Around Town 12-13 Restaurants 14 19 20 25 26 27 28 29 31 Astrology Classifieds “The Gathering Place of Quartzsite” Thoughtbuster Voices from the Past Church Directory Obits Scholars’ Journalism Show Schedule Puzzles for NOW OPEN