Desert Messenger

November 3, 2010

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P��� 4 CEMETERY THANKS VOLUNTEERS Hi Jolly Cemetery gives thanks A big thank you goes to those that helped with the Volunteer Cemetery project! The Hi Jolly Cemetery called for vol- unteers and they came. The call was for shoveling gravel, raking rock, hand moving larger rock. An all day job was done in 2-3 hours. The job was to spiff up the Pioneer Cemetery – gravel the tops of the gravesites that had no defi- nition, rake, pull weeds and put larger rock around some of the gravesites that needed it. There was 15 ton of 1” gravel, plus piles of larger rock and piles of finer rock moved. The thank you goes to Pastor Bruce Swart, Kay Mooring, Eileen Lunsford, Sandi Scott, Dee Sheehan, Frank Scott, Jim Brian, Don Kayser, Vern Culver, Jack Pullins, Dwight Pullins, Chuck (sorry I can’t remember your last name but you trim palm trees), and if I have missed anyone’s name I am so sorry - you must have worked to hard and fast for me to get your name. Also big thanks to the town employees Judge, Dana, Smittee, and Dennis. Thank you also to Julie who helped pick out the color, ordering and pickup of the gravel. And thanks to those that brought water for us. It just would not have happened without each and every one of you! A sincere thanks again. Come, see and be proud of your Hi Jolly Cemetery. Dinice Ross, Cemetery Records “THE PEOPLE’S VOICE” Letters to Editor Policy Desert Messenger encourages letters from its readers. Letters should be no longer than 300 words, and may be ed- ited for grammar, content and length. We invite you to not only see a problem, but search for the solution to share with the community, keeping the benefit of all in mind. Letters considered libelous, in poor taste, on a personal issue, mean spirited or dominated by Scripture quotes will not be published. Third party letters will not be accepted. To avoid confusion over people with common or similar names, writers must provide a full name and indicate the name they are known by. Writers must provide a full street address and phone number. Rvers can provide the location of park/BLM land, etc. Street addresses will not be published. Phone numbers are for verification only and will not be printed. Mail letters to: The People’s Voice, Desert Messenger, P.O. Box 3185, Quartzsite, AZ 85359 or E-mail to: 928-785-7204, 541-218-2560 ���.D�����M��������.��� THE PEOPLE’S VOICE QUARTZSITE’S ANGEL How often do you hear, “Why doesn’t someone do something about that?” Right here in Quartzsite we have someone who does do that. Someone who unobtrusively, quietly and without fanfare goes about showing care for oth- ers. She drives, among other things, the neighborhood patrol car. Her name is Marilyn McFate. During the recent power outage this summer, she drove around town checking on the welfare of others, advising where dry ice could be obtained to protect freezer food, asking “Hey, are you OK”? She’s a citizen who asks no praise nor reward. She is the Halloween pumpkin and the Easter Bunny rolled into one. There are many others in Quartzsite that also serve. Sadly there are others where goodness and mercy does not apply. Elmer London, Quartzsite THANK YOU FOR THE BRONZE STATUES Philanthropy is the fine art of shar- ing what you have and not needing recognition for that generosity. I now give thanks to those responsible for the beautiful bronze statues seen through- out our town. My spirit lifts every time I feast my eyes upon those beautiful children walking across the log with their family dog tagging along, and the little boy fishing in the pond and, of Come join the FUN! MONDAY & WEDNESDAY 8 a.m. 88 Shades RV Park* on Main Street - no parking so please park at Holiday Palms next door 9:30 a.m. AZ. Sun RV Park East of Town Hall and Library 5:00 p.m. Q.I.A.* South of Main Street Laundry $3 donation a class, pay at door. Bring bottle of water, towel and wear comfortable clothes. TUESDAY & THURSDAY AZ. Western College On N. Kofa Ave. 9:00 am* 4:45 pm* 6:00 pm College credit given- enroll for 1 month sessions. *Zumba Gold - for seniors & de-conditioned DITCH THE WORKOUT JOIN THE PARTY! course the two littlest children walking their own little log. Thank you, thank you, my bronze statue-loving soul who brings such eternal joy to our hearts and our town! Hygeia Halfmoon, Quartzsite [Editor’s note: Building Official, Al Johnson, recently announced there are more bronze statues being do- nated to the park in the near future!] SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Here we are, on a ship that is almost at the mercy of the sea with no real lead- ership at the helm. We have, you have, not me or the bonofide citizens have placed a person that has an engineering degree, so he says, at the helm of our ship. At least he says the engineering experience was acquired at dairy, not a chicken farm. Now, we have been notified that an- other, who states that she is the best dog groomer in the country, is going to run for office here in our Town. There will be another, a previous recalled person that has, in a roundabout way, is saying that he will run also. Think about it, all of the above has noth- ing to loose as the ship goes down. They just hook up to there beat-up travel trailer and go on to the next Town. We must thank the man and his “lady” out west of Town for these “people” that he has organized to take over our Town. Maybe it’s not to late if you, the bonofide citizens will wake up and see what is happening. Wes Huntley, Quartzsite LETTER TO THE EDITOR: I am writing in response to 2 items in your last issue. The 1st being the article about the Halloween Caravan. I would like to point out that the article states the Quartzsite Elementary School PTA N������� 3, 2010 will no longer be organizing or helping with the caravan. The PTA was just re- cently formed in September of this year, therefore could not have been involved in this in the past. I feel that this is an attempt by several people to discredit the PTA who is doing a great job and have a wonderful group of parents, business owners and com- munity members whose only interest are to contribute to the school and the great kids that go there. Also the school in no way tried to “cancel” the caravan, they just were no longer going to be able to organize it , run it, or incur the costs associated with it. Just as other community events have had a change in who assumed these responsibilities this is no different. The 2nd is in regards to a letter to the editor by Monica Timberlake and one statement made that implies we “once” had an amazing school. I am heavily involved in many aspects of not only Quartzsite, but Ehrenberg School, which is also in our school district but is not mentioned. I would have to greatly disagree with Ms. Timberlake and her attempt to imply to the community that our schools are not amazing. The staff employed at these schools do a wonderful job and are very dedicated to our kids. Also the kids that attend the schools I find are “amazing”. I wel- come anyone to attend any event that the school has to see for themselves the wonderful things that are taking place in the schools and by the children of our communities. Susan Cushman Quartzsite TO THE EDITOR, I thank you for your wonderful com- munity paper. I was able to follow news and events on the web and kept up with current events on the blog. I felt like I never left home! Thank you thank you. Carolyn Guthrie Quartzsite  SEE LETTERS ON PG. 5 LONI, THE HAIRSTYLIST Kiki’s Salon is now located in Parker, AZ at 1008 Eagle St. Loni formerly worked at Cactus Curlers, Quartzsite For appointment, please call 928-669-2136

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