Desert Messenger

August 14, 2013

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N�� �� ��� 9th YEAR! Wednesday, AUGUST 14, 2013 VOL. 9 #178 • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 Huge turnout for Community Picnic By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite, Arizona - Two power outages on Friday, August 9th, didn't stop local Churches from hosting their annual Community Picnic. Hundreds of folks turned out for the annual free meal served by volunteers from local churches. This year, the picnic was moved to the new Community Center. Quartzsite lost power shortly before noon for about an hour and half, then again just prior to 4pm when the picnic was to begin. APS reported a car hit a power pole in Parker. Over 1700 customers were affected by the outage. ������| S������ R��� G�����-B��� Volunteers brought in lots of ice to keep food cold and continued preparing the meal. Power wasn't restored until the end of the event, but folks didn't seem to mind, as the Center kept young and old fairly comfortable. The Churches provided free hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken with all the fixin's for all who attended. The annual social has become tradition and a special time for the community to enjoy each other's company during the long hot days of summer. Organizers wish to thank all the volunteers who offered their service to the community. Sewer Rates Public hearing Tues. Aug. 13 6:30pm After posting a "Public Notice of date change", "continuing" Tuesday's hearing on the proposed sewer rates, due to notice not being published in the Parker Pioneer as required by law, Quartzsite Town Hall released an agenda for Tuesday, August 13th Hearing at 6:30pm. Some Council members, as well as citizens, were surprised at the notice. Tuesday's Public Hearing will include provide a presentation of the proposed sewer rate change; conduct a question and answer session; and receive comments on the proposed change. Anyone present who wishes to speak may do so; comments will be taken into consideration by the Council. The Public Hearing will be "continued" for final disposition to Aug. 30th. For more information call Quartzsite Town Hall at 928-927-4333. WHAT'S INSIDE 3 Call to Crafters and Artists 4 Mayor Censored 5 Cottage Industry 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 10 Around Town 14 Adventures with Rocks 15 Voices from Past 17 In Memorium 18 Churches 19 Arrest Report 20 Puzzles 22 Paul Winer Comic 22-23 Classifieds

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