Desert Messenger

December 18, 2013

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MR. MOTORHOME The Home of the Cleanest RVs Anywhere! Still Quartzsite's RV Leader! I'm Lon Lundgren, better known as Mr. Motorhome. I've been selling quality pre-owned RVs since 1978. w in TWO No GREAT ! CATIONS LO In those 30-plus successful years, I've satisfied the needs of thousands of RV shoppers, selling RVs worth millions of dollars. Everything in my extensive inventory is hand-picked. Because of Customer Satisfaction and Word of Mouth, I have sold RVs to the same family as many as six times. My customer motto is "We stay friends after the sale." Huge Selection of RVs Diesel, Gas, Trailers and 5th Wheels. We've got them all. And we have the Lowest prices in Quartzsite! Now in T WO GREAT LOCATIO NS! CASH for Your RV Our consignment program will sell your RV. We will also buy your RV for cash. Drop by for a free Mr. Motorhome cap. Visit Mr. Motorhome in Quartzsite, Arizona! 41 W. Main Street at the corner of Hwy. 95 963 W. Main Street just east of Pilot Truck Stop 916-425-8213

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