Desert Messenger

December 18, 2013

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December 18, 2013 39 Desert Golf Course #1 results By Linda Taylor Tournament director, Dino Linden, reported a great turnout on Sat. Dec. 7 despite the cold and windy weather. As always the scores were very competitive. Placing 1st in the 2-person scramble was the team of Jake Boyce and Dean Harrington with a 37. Three teams tied with 38's with the team of Bruce "Rabbit" Scott & Bud Key winning a playoff. Third place was won by Gene Howard and Jerry Taylor; 4th place was won by Bill Toner & Dino Linden. Walster honored for dedication to golf course ����� | ����� ������ | S������ �� D����� M�������� By Linda Taylor Long time desert golfer and enthusiast, was honored recently by fellow golfers at their weekly tournament. Harry loves the game of golf and took great pride in working on the Quartzsite #2 Golf Course, affectionately referred to as "Harry's Course". He was the official "desert greens' keeper" at the course. In recent months, Harry has not been able to play golf due to health issues. As the weekly round was completed Saturday at Harry's Course, the players were surprised to see Harry and Lee drive up. He received a standing ovation, handshakes and hugs from the golfers. Harry can be seen in the midst of some of his buddies in the picture above. The soft-spoken gentleman is thought of as being a friend to everyone and great asset to the golfing community in Quartzsite. Thank you, Harry, for being our friend and golfing buddy! Like us on Facebook at DesertMessengerNews Follow on Twitter @DesertMessenger @QuartzsiteRain In the tournament held Sat. Dec. 14, 1st place was claimed by the team of Kirk Peterson and Jerry Taylo who fired a sizzling 33. Second place was earned by the team of Harvey Gibson and Russ Leininger with a 36. There was a 3rd place tie between the teams of Bruce Scott & Grant Berube and Dennis Dole & Dean Harrington who fired 37. Tournaments are held every Saturday beginning at 10:00 on the Quartzsite Golf Course. The city courses (#1 & #2) host scramble tournaments every Saturday with a shotgun start at 10:00 alternating between the courses. The cost is $4 per person. Schedule for December 14 is to play Course #2, December 21 play course #1, December 28 play course #2. Everyone is welcome to come play. AD ����� ������� �� D����� M��������

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