Desert Messenger

October 3, 2012

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October 3, 2012 LETTERS FROM PAGE 4 I don't have to wonder much about who may have sent the heads up to the Wall Street Journal. Perhaps my September fi fth article gave them the idea. Stay tuned folks it's probably not over yet. Elmer London Quartzsite pace. So much needs to be done and it all takes time. We waited so long to get into our building and now we are waiting again. The construction crew has given no defi nite time frame of completion. All I can ask is your prayers and thoughts for a swift job once they get started. We are still taking dona- tions; we have a storage unit we are using. Please call 928-785-7187, 928- 662-8247, or 928-916-9000. Any one of these folks will arrange pick-up or meet you at the building to unload. Hope to see you all soon back in our building. Salvation Army update At this time, all is moving at a snail's Quartzsite Senior Center you go to the grocery store. Please pick up an extra can or two of holiday type food. If we start now we may be able to hit our goal. We serve about 300 fami- lies here in the area and we would like to be able to give each one a Holiday box. Items we would like include: Instant Mashed Potatoes, canned sweet po- tatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, boxed stuffi ng, small canned ham and last but not least, small Cornish Game Hens. And if anybody gets an extra turkey we could use those for our larger families. The Food Bank is open Tues. and Thurs. 8am until noon. Thank You all who have helped us. Carol Kelley Quartzsite Thanks Carol Kelley Quartzsite welcomes all winter visitors The Senior Center is located at 40 La Paz Economic Dev. Corp. One of the top issues identifi ed in the Focused Future process is the need for Broadband service in La Paz County. This need exists throughout rural Ari- zona as well as other states and has been recognized at the state and feder- al levels. Access to broadband service is critical to education, industry, health care as well as many other sectors. Arizona Strategic Enterprise Tech- Moon Mt. Ave., Quartzsite. Hours are Monday through Friday from 9am- 4pm. Wi-fi , daily events. Lunch is served Monday thru Fri- day at NOON sharp $3 donation. Quartzsite Quilters meet every Tuesday 8amto 3pm VA meets every third Tuesday from 9:30am to Noon Rock Painting every Wednesday from 9-11am Senior Center Membership meet- ing is held every third Tuesday at 1:00pm. Stop in and say hello! BINGO starts in November! Rita Wilson Quartzsite Food Bank update By now you all have seen or heard of our donated SUV- Thank You APS. It has made delivery to our shut-ins so much easier and allows us to do so much more. I thank all the won- derful folks who have helped us get through this long hot summer, with their food donations and time spent. Without these people we could not get the job done. And yet, here I am asking again, please start thinking about the holidays when nology group (ASET, formally GITA) is building a web site for Digital Ari- zona. I would encourage everyone to visit and look around the site. It provides information and educational tools re- lated to broadband and Arizona's plans to address the issues in rural Arizona. I have found their Map to contain outdated and inaccurate information (NPG Cable instead of Suddenlink, Ve- rizon instead of Frontier, and LPRH is grossly misplaced) and will be follow- ing up on some of those issues. We need to be educated and involved in this process. As a fi rst step, I would ask that you perform the "Speed Test" available on this site. This information will be added to their database. Suddenlink's advertised speeds are 10-25 mbps download, 1-3 mbps up- load. My actuals were 6.52 download, 0.79 upload, which may be reduced because of non-Suddenlink equipment (router, wireless connection, PC, etc.). Please share this information with anyone, make that everyone, that you think might be interested. Thanks. D.L. Wilson, President/CEO 1217 California Avenue Parker, AZ 85344 Offi ce: 928-669-8272 RV & TRUCK REPAIR BEST AUTO SERVICE YOU CAN DEPEND ON! 585 N. Central Quartzsite Open Mon-Fri 8-5 928-927-8787 Johnny DelPino, Owner Page 5 You're invited to London's 70th Weddding Anniversary Steve, Carolyn, Les, Marrell, and numerous Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren of Elmer and Margaret London would like to invite the com- munity to celebrate their 70th Wed- ding Anniversary. The great event will take place Saturday, October 20, 2012 from 2 to 4 PM at the Senior Center on Moon Mountain Ave. See you there. RV SPACES STORAGE VENDOR SPACES 543 W. Main, Quartzsite Call: 360-951-3866 ON MAIN STREET HANDYMAN Residential and RV Experienced Plumbing & Electrical Service & Repair. Minor Carpentry & Yard Work. All Work Guaranteed - FREE Estimates! • Qtz. Business Licensed Call Bud 928-583-3905 Just Rambling... Traveling by train during WW II on a layover we went to a service club. A palm reader was telling fortunes. She told me JOHN DRUM FOR SHERIFF Paid for by Elect John Drum for Sheriff • 4906 River Bluff Ln. Parker,AZ 85344 when I became 32 years old, I would be a millionaire, and marry at 35. I said, "I'm married." She said, "You made a big mistake." Provided by Elmer London & Desert Messenger The ONLY Candidate with Hands-on Experience!

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