Desert Messenger

April 6, 2011

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FREE! WED. APRIL 6 2011 Vol. 7 PLEASE TAKE ONE N�� O�����! AZ State Library to add Desert Messenger QUARTZSITE, AZ- Shanana “Rain” Golden-Bear, Publisher of the Desert Messenger, announced Monday, April 4th, that Quartzsite’s FREE Community Paper, will soon be available at the Arizona State Library. The Arizona State Library gathers newspapers short list of La Paz County newspapers: Park- er Pioneer and the Quartzsite Times. Victoria Tafoya, of the Law and Research Library Divi- sion, will visit Quartzsite next week to pick up copies of every edition of the Desert Messenger from October 2008 through the present. These papers will be microfi lmed and added to their extensive collection. The latest print copies of Arizona Newspapers are kept in the Law and Research Library in the 1938 addition to the Capitol Building. Newspa- pers dating from Arizona’s Territorial period through two years ago and all newspapers on microfi lm are housed in the Polly Rosenbaum Archives and History Building located near the Capitol at 1901 W. Madison Street, in Phoenix. Online access to newspapers is available at both buildings through AZlibrary. Arizonans can explore thousands of online from around the state and archives them for historical purposes. The Desert Messenger will be added to the Solar Project public meeting Tues. April 19 Quartzsite, AZ- The Bureau of Land Manage- ment (BLM) Yuma Field Offi ce is considering amending a land use plan that would allow public land to be used for the proposed Quartz- site Solar Energy Project in La Paz County. A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 19th at 6pm at Quartzsite Town Hall, 465 N. Plymouth. Quartzsite Solar Energy LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Solar Reserve LLC, proposes to construct a 100-megawatt solar-powered elec- trical generation facility in La Paz County, Ari- zona. The project is proposed for approximate- ly 1,450 acres of BLM-managed land about 10 miles north of Quartzsite and adjacent to Arizona State Route 95. The generation plant, power line and ancillary facilities would be on BLM-administered land. The proposed project would use concentrat- articles and images from popular magazines, scholarly journals, current newspapers and other reference works through their public and school library websites. The Arizona State Li- brary, Archives and Public Records, a division of the Secretary of State. The agency serves the Arizona Legislature and Arizonans, providing public access to public information, fostering historical/cultural col- laborative research, information projects and ensuring that Arizona’s history is documented and preserved. Visit the Arizona State Library online at foot tower, which would be the receiver of en- ergy refl ected from solar fi elds. The solar fi elds are made up of heliostats, which are a collec- tion of mirrors. The project would also include a thermal energy storage system. The proposed project, because of the height Quartzsite’s FREE Community Paper Issue #128 ing solar “power tower” technology to capture the sun’s heat to make steam, which would power traditional steam turbine generators. The solar power facility would include a 653- Family Restaurant now open! Times Three What’s Inside 2 Editorial of the tower, would not conform to visual standards established in the Yuma Resource Management Plan. The BLM is considering amending the plan so that the project would conform. The plan amendment is in the scop- ing process, during which the public can com- ment and identify issues associated with the amendment. During the public scoping period, the BLM is soliciting public comment on issues, concerns  SEE SOLAR PAGE 3 MAIN ST. EATERY • New Breakfast Bowls • Waffl es • Walking Tacos • Quesadilla • Burgers • Brown Rice w/ vegies-Tofu or Chicken • Vienna Beef Hot Dogs • Taco Salad • Daily Specials • Vegetarian Options • Biscuits & Gravy All Day! TRY OUR NEW: • Fruit Smoothies! • Frozen Coffee Drinks! • Soft Serve Ice Cream! Entry & Parking west of Main St. Laundromat QUARTZSITE, AZ- After years of sitting empty, the old Stucky’s building was trans- formed into a beautiful new year-round restaurant lo- cated on W. Main St. just east of McDonald’s. Serving American food, the restau- rant is the colaboration of three local residents (hence the Times Three name)Carol and Edwin “Stubby” Cal- lison and Tom Tolson. The threesome created about 30 new jobs for Quartzsite, now serving hungry trav- elers and locals daily for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Showers $6 4 Letters to Editor 8 Voices from the Past 10 Around Town 15 Restaurants 16 Church Directory 20 Puzzles 21 Astrology 23 Classifi eds For the latest council meeting videos visit user/qwatchingeyes See and hear for yourself! MAIN ST. LAUNDROMAT Full Service Laundry! Pick up & Delivery! The “Coolest” Laundromat in town! OPEN YEAR-ROUND! ~ 205 E. Main St. Quartzsite ~ 928-308-0011 Open Daily 6AM Open 6AM- 2PM

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