Up & Coming Weekly

September 13, 2016

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/726972

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54 SEPTEMBER 14-20, 2016 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Thank You for Voting Timothy D. Edwards Best Divorce Attorney UP & COM I NG W EEKLY 'S Family & Divorce Law North Carolina Native 2014 NC Bar Association Citizen Lawyer Community Volunteer Three Years As Best Of Fayetteville Winner Office Location 300 Dick Street, Fayetteville 9 1 0 . 4 8 3 . 5 1 7 6 T I M O T H Y D . E D W A R D S B L A C K W E L L & E D W A R D S A R E P U T A T I O N F O R R E S U L T S GOODS & SERVICES GOODS & SERVICES Best Tobacco Shop Anstead's 320 North McPherson Church Road 864.5705 ansteads.com Anstead's Tobacco Company spent nearly four decades in the mall before moving to … a barn. "We took a barn built in 1940 and cre- ated the most relaxing atmosphere to come enjoy a cigar and pair it with a fine selection of whiskey, scotch or craft beer," said owners Wayne and Edith Anstead. The couple has gone out of their way to create a welcoming sophisticated space where customers can check their worries at the door. Inside, it is all about the finer things life has to offer. The well-stocked 300+ square foot walk-in humidor is filled with Domini- can, Honduran and Nicaraguan cigars, keeping the more than 100 premium cigar brands fresh. Pipe smokers have a healthy variety to choose from in the more than 40 blends Anstead's keeps on hand. Pipes and accessories are also in stock and ready for purchase. It would be easy enough to stop at being the best full-service tobacconist around, but that is not what the Anstead's did. Instead, they built a commu- nity. Hosting cigar events each month, Anstead's routinely introduces new cigars and accessories here. Pipe smoking enthusiasts gather here every sec- ond Tuesday of the month, too. It might seem like great company, high-end libations and an exclusive atmosphere is all you need to enjoy a pipe or cigar. And as magical as that combination is, Anstead's also hosts musical events each month. So come be social.

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