Up & Coming Weekly

September 13, 2016

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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52 SEPTEMBER 14-20, 2016 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Best Landscaping Company Snow's Landscaping and Lawncare 1004 Cedar Creek Road 910. 483.3236 www.snowslandscapinglawncare.com Who doesn't love walking barefoot through soft grass on a warm spring day? Or enjoying a refreshing drink in a beautifully landscaped outdoor space on a summer evening? Or watching from a luxurious patio as leaves fall from the trees in autumn? Or gathering around an outdoor fireplace for a friendly chat in a winter evening? Healthy lawns, beautiful landscaping and luxurious outdoor spaces don't just happen. They take planning and work, and that is what Snow's Landscaping and Lawncare has been doing for 13 years. From lawn care and irrigation/maintenance to landscape design including outdoor lights and retain- ing walls to hardscapes, sod and more, Snow's is in the business of making your outdoor space a reflection of who you are. They service residential and corpo- rate clients and pride themselves on being trustworthy and dependable. Best Security/Alarm Company Holmes Security Systems 127 Hay Street 910.483.1196 www.holmeselectricsecurity.com Security systems didn't exist 108 years ago when Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. started Holmes Electric right here in Fayetteville. But in 1967 Holmes' son-in-law J.D. Wheeler saw the need and started the security systems division. Whether you need burglar and fire alarms, camera systems, intercom and paging system or monitoring services, Holmes offers state-of-the-art equipment and systems that will keep what's yours safe. With total connect technology, you can even control your alarm system with your computer or smart- phone and your lighting and thermostats, too! Best Library Branch Cliffdale Road 6882 Cliffdale Road 910.864.3800 www.cumberland.lib.nc.us When most people hear the word library they think of books. And the Cliffdale Re- gional Branch Library has plenty of books. But that is just the beginning of what they offer. In fact, the Cumberland County Public Library and Information Center's nine library branches offer a variety of activities and resources to everyone in the com- munity, ages 0 – 100+. On any given day the calendar is filled with things like musical performances, guest authors, fanfiction contests, story times, gaming events, LEGO events, movie showings, adult classes on everything from personal finance to crafts to computers and more. And that is just the events. There are programs for specific ages/ groups ranging from elementary school to adults. Resources for things like genealogy, how to self-publish a book and just about anything else you can think of can be found at the library. Homework help for children is available at the library and on its website, too. If you haven't been yet, head to the Cliffdale Regional Branch Library, or visit the website, and check out everything it has to offer. You will be glad you did. Best Pawn Shop Bruce's Pawn 2653 Hope Mills Road 910.323.5252 or www. brucespawninc.com A trip to a pawn shop is such an adventure. You never know what kind of trea- sures you will find. Bruce's Pawn boasts a large selection of firearms. Musicians UP & COM ING W EEKLY 'S Thank You for Voting Us BEST SUSHI Visit us if you are craving authentic, delicious Japanese food and sushi. 5945 Cliffdale Rd. • Fayetteville 868-9400 Mon. - Thurs. 11:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Fri & Sat. 11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. • Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Thank You for Voting Us BEST SUSHI GOODS & SERVICES GOODS & SERVICES

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