Desert Messenger

January 15, 2014

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N�� �� ��� 10th YEAR! Always Wednesday, JAN. 15TH, 2014 FREE! VOL. 10 #188 • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WHAT'S INSIDE 6 Editorial ������ | S���� B���C�� It's showtime in Quartzsite! By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite-January in Quartzsite is like no other place on earth! Deals and vendors displaying their treasures and delights are everywhere around town! All shows have free admission and free parking available. You can shop for Gems, Rocks, Minerals, Arts, Crafts, Hobbies, Jewelry, Silver and Goldsmithing, Faceting, Precious Metals, Antiques, Coins, Lapidary Tools, Lapidary Equipment and Supplies, and delicious Foods to amaze you! The 48th Annual Quartzsite Improvement Association (QIA) Pow Wow Gem and Mineral Show will be held Wednesday through Sunday, January 22-26. Show hours are 9 am - 5 pm daily, located right in the middle of town! With over 500 vending spaces with 70 spaces inside and 43 under cover, 300 vendors are selling 75% rock related materials. Tyson Wells hosts the Sell-A-Rama opening Friday, Jan. 17 thru Jan. 26th. The 10-day show boasts 860 selling spaces on 25 acres! Stay around for the Arts & Craft Show is from Arts and Crafts Show Jan. 31 – Feb. 9, 2014. The 31st Annual Sports, Vacation and RV Show, or as we fondly call it, "The Big Tent" opens Jan 18th and runs through Sunday, Jan. 26th. This huge tent located on the south side of town on 20 acres, provides an estimated attendance of over 150,000. The "Largest gathering of RVs and RVers" is happening right now! Rice Ranch, Desert Gardens, Main Street Traders, Tyson Wells Centre & Showgrounds, Prospectors Panorama, Quartzsite Showgrounds, Hi Ally, Vito's, Antique Alley Greasewood are in full swing. Be sure to check out for year-round events and show schedule. 7 Letters to Editor 10 Around Town 16 Restaurants 22 Adventures w/Rocks 24 Voices from the Past 31 Nearby 34 Salome High 33 Rotary Doings 45 Golf 46 Music Jams 48 Churches 49 Arrest Report 52 Rockin' in Quartzsite MAP 53 Classifieds 54 Paul Winer Comic

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