Up & Coming Weekly

November 25, 2014

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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NOV. 26 - DEC. 2, 2014 UCW 19 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Pocket Guide 2015 Reserve Your Space! Available at over 500 locations in the Fayetteville, Cumberland County Area Call 484-6200 for more information. www.upandcomingweekly.com 2014 Up & Coming Weekly's Pocket Guide Pocket Guide VOL. 14 www.upandcomingweekly.com Community Resource 2014 Up & Coming Weekly's Pocket Guide Pocket Guide VOL. 14 www.upandcomingweekly.com Community Resource On-Line All Year! CUMBERLAND co.cumberland.nc.us As part of Winter Weather Awareness Week, Nov. 30 through Dec. 6, Cumberland County Emergency Services urges residents to update their emergency plans and stock their emergency supplies kits. "No matter if there is a severe winter storm in the forecast or a mild one, it is prudent for us all to be on the ready for whatever Mother Nature throws our way," said Gene Booth, Cumberland County Emergency Management Coordinator. "When winter weather warnings are issued, be prepared for possible power outages or roads made impassable by snow or ice." Follow these basic winter safety tips: .HHSDOWHUQDWLYHKHDWLQJVRXUFHVSUHSDUHG,I\RXKDYHDÀUHSODFH store a good supply of dry, seasoned wood. • Properly vent kerosene heaters and keep any electric generators OUTSIDE and away from any open windows or doors to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Also, do not burn charcoal indoors. Carbon monoxide poisoning can result from charcoal fumes indoors. .HHSIUHVKEDWWHULHVRQKDQGWRXVHZLWKÁDVKOLJKWVDQGZHDWKHUUDGLRV • Always keep at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food on hand. • Wear multiple layers of thin clothing instead of a single layer of thick clothing to stay warm. • If you must travel during a winter storm, store an emergency kit in your vehicle that includes: blankets, a battery-powered radio with extra EDWWHULHVDÀUVWDLGNLWDÁDVKOLJKWZLWKH[WUDEDWWHULHVEDWWHU\ERRVWHU FDEOHVDQGÁDUHVDWLUHUHSDLUNLWDQGSXPSDURDGPDSDVDFNRIFDW litter (for tire traction), a tow rope, bottled water and non-perishable high-energy foods such as granola bars, extra clothing to keep dry, and a windshield scraper and brush. Low Income Energy Assistance Available Prepare for Winter Weather On Dec. 1, the Salvation Army will begin accepting applications for the North Carolina Low Income Energy Assistance 3URJUDP/,($3WRKHOSTXDOLÀHGIDPLOLHVZLWKWKHLUKHDWLQJFRVWV &LWL]HQVPD\DSSO\DWWKH6DOYDWLRQ$UP\RIÀFHDW6RXWKHUQ$YH IURPDPWRSP0RQGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\ The federally-funded program provides a one-time vendor payment to help eligible households pay their heating bills. Household income must not exceed 130 percent of the poverty level. All households must apply for LIEAP; there are no automatic approvals. During the month of December, priority will be given to households with an elderly member age 60 and above or a disabled person receiving services through the Division of Aging and Adult Services. Priority applications will be accepted through Dec. 31 or until funds are exhausted. Applications for all other households will be accepted Jan. 2 through March 31, or until funds are expended. The Salvation Army manages the program for the Department of 6RFLDO6HUYLFHVDQGDOODSSOLFDWLRQVPXVWJRWRWKH6DOYDWLRQ$UP\·VRIÀFH DW6RXWKHUQ$YH)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFWWKH'66/,($3 PHVVDJHOLQHDWRUWKH6DOYDWLRQ$UP\DW North Carolina Emergency Management also has a free ReadyNC mobile app that provides real-time trac, weather, shelter and evacuation information and phone numbers for North Carolina power companies to report outages. Fruit Tree Workshop Cooperative Extension will host a fruit tree production workshop 'HFIURPWRSPDWWKHFRXQW\·V$JULFXOWXUH&HQWHU( Mountain Dr. The free workshop is for people interested in getting started with fruit tree production or who want help with managing their current fruit trees. 5HJLVWUDWLRQLVUHTXHVWHGEXWQRWUHTXLUHG)RUDGGLWLRQDO information about the workshop or other programs at Cooperative Extension, call Urban Horticulture Extension Agent Theresa Williams DWRUHPDLO7KHUHVDBZLOOLDPV#QFVXHGX

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