Desert Messenger

June 1, 2011

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P��� 12  FLAGS FROM PAGE 6 to glory, disappointment, death, and ultimately fame. They would not fi nd the fabled cities of gold or gold-domed structures. However, they did dis- cover the Grand Canyon for the New World but only saw it as an obstacle in reaching their ultimate destination. Arizona was still a part of the Spanish Empire in 1785 when King Charles III of Spain adopted a new fl ag of red and gold stripes. The SEC- OND FLAG over Ari- zona would be this new fl ag. Legend has it that the design was inspired by an incident that hap- pened in 873 AD. A Norman King, Charles the Bald, honored the Count of Barcelona, who had been mortally wounded in a bat- tle against the Normans. By dipping his four fi ngers in the Count’s blood, Charles the Bald then drew two paral- lel stripes across the Count’s golden shield. This insignia represented the Count’s sacrifi cial red blood and from Flag of the Spanish Empire 1785 the gold shield the temporal wealth of Spain. This same red and gold, the colors of Spain, appear on Arizona’s State Flag today. From the arrival of the fi rst Spanish colonist in 1520 to the early 1800s, more than 300,000 Spaniards came to New Spain. First came the appointees of the Span- ish Crown; viceroys, judges, high army offi - cers, and offi cials of the Catholic Church. Even though many of them would never return to Spain, they still thought of themselves as Span- iards, or peninsulares. Other Spaniards came with the dream of fi nding wealth and position that Spanish society had kept from them. The offspring from this second group were known as criollos most of whom were merchants and less important civil servants and were never given any real power by the peninsulares. Many criollos joined the ranks of the clergy, where they enjoyed exemption from Quartzsite Senior Center YES! WE ARE OPEN! Mon-Fri 9am-3pm state taxation and civil trial. The third group was the mestizos (of mixed blood) who were the offspring of Spaniards who mated with Indi- ans. Included in this group were the offspring of those who mated with the 150,000 Africans who were imported by the Spanish to work as slaves in their cotton fi elds. The fourth and largest group was the Indians. The pureblooded Nahua, Maya, Tarahu- mara, Huave, Zapotec and Otomi Indi- ans were in the largest group and were hopelessly left out from any power or position. These indigenous peoples were practically slaves themselves. By 1800 there were almost six mil- lion people in New Spain. Around 58 percent were Indians, 25 percent mestizos, 17 percent criollos, and less than one quarter of 1 percent penin- sulares. Within these four classes of people were four separate identities with irreconcilable interests rule by the Spanish Empire in New Spain un- der the red and gold fl ag of Spain. At that time, the land that now comprises Arizona was included in the Northern Provinces of New Spain. ���.D�����M��������.��� J��� 1, 2011 LOCAL AUTHOR’S NIGHT AT THE PARKER PUBLIC LIBRARY Parker, AZ - Guest author Peter Plasse will be introducing his fi rst fantasy novel “RAVENWILD”, Wednesday, June 8, 2011, 6:00 p.m. at the Parker Library. This engaging novel appeals to the young adult population, as well as adults who love fantasy. Peter is an emergency room doctor at the Indian Health Center. He was born in Northern Maine, the grandson of an American-born fur trapper of French- Canadian descent. He grew up in Lex- ington, Massachusetts and has been an avid reader of science Fiction/Fantasy since his college days. In Peter’s early life he was a hunter, fi sherman, trap- per, and avid scuba enthusiast. Peter will tell a little about himself and his publishing experience and will read an excerpt from Ravenwild. If any one is interested in purchasing a copy, there will be books available. There will be a book signing and re- freshments after the program. Every- one is welcome to this free program. Gem Stone Jewelry & Black Hills Gold Jewelry JEWELRY • FINDINGS Black Hills Gold Jewelry, Moun� ngs, Gems, Minerals, AMERICAN INDIAN JEWELRY & POTTERY BEADS • Southwest & How-to Books Open Daily 8-5 Sun. 9-4 CLOSED TUESDAYS 928-927-6381, Fax 928-927-4814 Alternative Therapies “SIZZLIN” SUMMER SPECIAL!! Refer 3 and You are FREE! * • Reiki • Hypnosis • Ear Candling with Barbara • Massage with Barbara or Lois • We do Hot Rock, Sweedish, or Deep Tissue massage • We also do massage and ear candling for dogs 40 Moon Mt. Rd. Quartzsite 928-927-6496 * MIX OR MATCH----Refer 3 people to Barbara, or 3 people to Lois, and YOUR treatment is FREE!!! 255 N. CENTRAL BLVD. PALM PLAZA #8, QUARTZSITE Barbara 928-927-5858 Lois 928-273-8348 1250 W. Main, Quartzsite (across from McDonald’s)

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