Desert Messenger

June 1, 2011

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J��� 1, 2011 ���.D�����M��������.��� QPD & Friends 29 - Q Fire Dept. 5 Quartzsite, AZ- Quartzsite Fire Department took on Quartzsite Police Department and Friends in a softball game on Saturday, May 28th during Quarzsite Commu- nity Fun Day at the Park. The event was sponsored by the Arizona Centennial of Quartzsite Committee. Food was provided by Quartzsite Substance Abuse Preven- tion Coalition and the AZ Centennial volunteers. The rival teams entertained the crowd with many hu- mourous moments. The fi nal score was Quartzsite Po- lice & Friends scored 29 points over the Fire Dept’s 5. The strong winds kept the kid’s bounce house from be- ing used, but the Parks Dept. provided the water cannon for the youngsters to play in the water. A Penny Auction was held, raising funds for Quartzsite Food Bank. photo by Starr BearCat QPD Sergeant Jim Shultz, eye on the ball before hitting another scoring run! P��� 7 Car Donations benefi t a wide variety of clients who are referred to us by non- profi t organizations, churches, social service agencies and from our own car donation / free car charity website Typi- cal recipients include victims of do- mestic violence; the medically needy; victims of natural disasters; families transitioning from public assistance to work; non-profi t organizations; fami- lies living in transitional living shel- ters; military families and the working poor who often meet the qualifi cations to apply for a Charity Car Donation. DONATE A CAR AND HELP A STRUGGLING FAMILY TODAY 425 N. Central (Hwy. 95) OPEN MON. - FRI. 9am - 1pm Auto pay RV DUMP Cash or Credit Card PROPANE OPD Valves Custom Hoses Recertifi cation Refi lls Tanks WATER R/O Ozone Water RV Potable Water R/O ICE with full hookups R/O WATER 5 GAL/ $1 RV PARK 928-927-3714

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