Desert Messenger

June 1, 2011

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P��� 10 COFFEE WITH COPS JUNE 1ST, 8AM Quartzsite Police Department invites Around Town you to Town Hall for “Coffee with Cops” on the first Wednesday of each month from 8am-9am. ...and donuts, too! Join Quartzsite Police Chief Jeff Gil- bert and Quartzsite Police officers on the first Wednesday of each month! Here’s your chance to bring your ques- tions and concerns to the Quartzsite Police Department. For more informa- tion call the station at 928-927-4644. DESERT SOCIAL WED. JUNE 8TH Proceeds from Dessert Night, 6-8pm, at the Eatery will go to Operation Hero Comfort for postage. Come visit with neighbors and enjoy a delightful des- sert for only $2.50. Eatery is located at 205 E. Main Parking is west of the laundromat. CONCERT IN THE PARK FRI. JUNE 10 Paul Winer will present a FREE Con- cert in the Park on Friday, June 10th at 7pm. The concert is part of the Ari- zona Centennial Celebration. Comedy, music and fun begins at 7pm at the Pavillion. FLAG RETIREMENT SAT. JUNE 11 Operation Hero Comfort will hold a flag retirement ceremony on Sat. June 11th beginning at 8pm at the Pavillion at Town Park. Anyone with a flag that needs retir- ing can bring it to the Town Hall or the Business Chamber or bring it to the ceremony and be part of it. Refresh- ments will be served after the ceremo- ny. For more information, please call Anita Carlson at 928-927-4292. ���.D�����M��������.��� TOWN HALL MEEETING WED. JUNE 15 The next Town Hall meeting with Quartzsite officials and council mem- bers will be held on Wed. June 15th at 3pm. The new location will be at the Senior Center, 40 Moon Mountain Rd. Bring your questions and concerns. If anyone wants a ride to the meeting, please call Town Hall and the transit service will pick you up. For more info call Town Hall at 928-927-4333. DESERT SOCIAL WED. JUNE 15TH Proceeds from Dessert Night, 6-8pm, at the Eatery will go to Arizona Centen- nial of Quartzsite for their Lasting Leg- acy Project. Come visit with neighbors and enjoy a delightful dessert for only $2.50. Eatery is located at 205 E. Main Parking is west of the laundromat. MOUNTAIN QUAIL CLOSES FOR SUMMER Sunday, May 29th found diners en- joying the last meal of the season at Mountain Quail Cafe. Mike Hagar, manager, said to “watch for our grand re-opening near Labor Day”. SENIOR CENTER OPEN FOR SUMMER Senior Center (928) 927-6496 40 Moon Mountain Ave. Quartzsite Come Join Us Mon-Fri, 9 to 3 Lunch Mon-Fri at Noon $3 Donation We would like to start a Wii Bowling League and would like to start a Wii Fitness Program Cards & Games available every day Jigsaw Puzzles & Books to trade • Indoor Helicopter flying Wed & Fri. 9-11:30 AM •Art Guild- 1st & 3rd Thurs. 6:30 PM •GFWC - Every 4th Mon. 7PM •VFW Auxiliary- 3rd Tues. 6:30PM •WIC- 3rd Thurs. 9AM •Veterans Services- 3rd Tues. 9:30-Noon •Painting- Every Thurs. 9-11 AM •Sewing Craft- Every Thurs. 9-11 AM OPEN ALL SUMMER! Sandy and Debbie are available FULL SERVICE SALON 735 W. Cowell, Quartzsite 928-927-5400 for all your hair needs. We will also have pedicures and manicures avail- able this summer and one of the new- est services for nail enhancement, THE NAIL SHELLAC SYSTEM. If you have thin nails that break easily, peal and curl, give the shellac system a try. No harsh smells, just strong beautiful nails. Call for an appointment! •AZ Centennial- 1st Thurs. 4PM •PNQ- Every 2nd Thurs. 4PM 928-927-6496. NEW ANIMAL SHELTER HOURS Patty Patton, of Paw Power Animal Shelter, announced that the shelter will be going to BY APPOINTMENT ONLY hours for the summer. For more infor- mation or for an appointment, call Patty at 928-916-0657. BRENDA COUNTRY STORE CLOSING Brenda Country Store announces it will be closing the doors soon. Steve Saint John announced Wednesday, May 25th he will close the store after many years of operation. All fixtures, shelving, and equipment are for sale. For more information con- tact Steve at 928-916-1212 WANTED: AZ HIGHWAYS FOR SCHOOL PROJECT! The Arizona Centennial Committee will be working with local students for a school project. The committee is in need of old Arizona Highway maga- zines featuring photos of Indian Cul- ture & Art, Mesas, Pueblos, Basketry, etc. Please contact Mary Huntley at 928-927-7059. MUSIC JAM IN BRENDA Brenda, AZ continues to hold jams throughout the summer. Come on out and enjoy the fun on Thursday eve- nings at 7pm at Brenda RV Resort, located at 46251 E. Hwy. 60, Brenda, just 3 miles off 1-10. For more infor- mation, call 928-927-5249. GOSPEL ACCOUSTIC JAM Acoustic Gospel music jam is still going at the Alliance Church on Tues. evenings at 6:30 pm. Quartzsite Alliance Church is located on the north side of town, on 720 W. Desert Vista Rd., north of Tyson. Phone number is 928-927-5332. J��� 1, 2011 THE 6 PILLARS OF CHARACTER Quartzsite Elementary School teaches a social skills program centered around the Six Pillars of Character. These elements are a major part of your child’s personal development. The 6 Pillars include Re- sponsibility, Respect, Caring, Fairness, Citizenship and Trustworthiness. During the summer please continue to support the use of these pillars in every- day life. Parents and Community part- ners can find coupons for the Six Pil- lars of Character available in the Desert Messenger Newspaper throughout the summer. Coupons may be turned in at “The Eater” located at 205 E. Main St., Quartzsite. The children with the most coupons will ATTN. PARENTS, BUSINESS OWNERS, AND COMMUNITY: HELP A CHILD WITH be presented with a prize at the Septem- ber 12th Council Meeting. Please help our youth develop the skills they need to thrive in our evolving society. Thank You Janet Collier ZUMBA CONTINUES AT AWC! Zumba classes are still going strong at the AWC Quartzsite Learning Cen- ter! If you enjoy dancing and are look- ing for a fun way to get fit, sign up for our next Zumba class. Two new classes will be starting soon. You can sign up for a Monday & Wednesday (6 to 7 p.m.) class which starts 6/01 and ends 6/27. Or, attend the Tuesday and Thursday (6 to 7 p.m.) class that begins on 5/31 and ends 6/23. Call now for more in- formation or stop by and register: (928) 927-8299, 695 N. Kofa Ave. in Quartzsite.  SEE AROUND TOWN ON PAGE 14 PUBLIC NOTICE: WHEN YOU REGISTER TO VOTE You are declaring yourself a resident of La Paz County and the State of Arizona. You are then subject to the laws of Arizona and will be required to: • Obtain an Arizona Driver’s License (if you drive) • Register your vehicles in Arizona. • Pay appropriate state and local taxes. WARNING: Executing a false registration is a Class 6 Felony! Provided by La Paz County Elections Dept.

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