Desert Messenger

June 1, 2011

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J��� 1, 2011 ���.D�����M��������.��� Scholars’ Academy Graduates 8TH GRADE SENIORS Allen, Alina Boone, Clara Braswell, John Carrerra, Juan Crawford, Anthony Gil, Andrea Hall, Justin Joyce, Katherine Ledesma, Alejandro Martinez, Ericka Richardson, Domanik Sandoval, Miguel Wilson, Savannah Cardenas, Miguel Gil, Elizabeth Maldonado, Javier Mederos, Angel Scott, Haley Smith, Kent Wilson, Joshua Yarbro, Destry SCHOLARS’ ACADEMY NEWS-- June 2--8th grade graduation ceremonies will be held at 6 p.m. at the Quartzsite Alliance Church. Annual Awards Ceremony and pot luck follows graduation cer- emony at 7 p.m. June 3--Little Scholars’ Pre- school graduation at Quartzsite Senior Citizens Center at 10 a.m. The Annual Alumni Softball Congratulations! Scholars‛ Academy Quartzsite, Arizona Miguel Cardenas Elizabeth Gil Angel Maderos Javier Maldonado P��� 13 Game between alumni and staff at the Town Park at 7 p.m. June 4--12th grade commence- ment ceremonies will be held at 7:30 p.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Riggles Road Summer Recreation Pro- gram starting Monday June 6 for K-8 at the Scholars’ Acade- my campus. For more informa- tion call: 928-927-9420. Haley Scott Kent Smith Josh Wilson From Desert Messenger, “Quartzsite‛s FREE Community Paper” • Destry Yarbro

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