Up & Coming Weekly

November 28, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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24 UCW NOVEMBER 29 - DECEMBER 5, 2017 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM HIGH SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS GIRLS Coach: Karl Molnar Top returners: Lindsay Bell, 5-7, Jr., G; Imani Elliott, 5-2, Jr., G; Cayleigh Quigg, 5-8, Sr., F; Zaharia McNatt, 5-10, Jr., C. Top newcomers: Nyla Cooper, 5-6, Fr., G. Coach's comment: "Last year was a rebuilding year for the Bulldogs, who finished the regular season with a 13-game winning streak and a Cape Fear Valley 3-A Conference tournament cham- pionship. Though expectations are high, it will be tough competing in the new 3-A/4-A Patriot Athletic Conference." BOYS Coach: Darren Corbett Top returners: Malik Johnson, 6-1, Sr., G; Gabe Harbison, 6-2, Sr., G; Holt Walker, 6-6, Sr., F; Dante Bowlding, 6-1, Jr., G. Top newcomers: Yates Johnson, 6-4 , So., F; Ezemdi Udoh, 6-5, So., F. Coach's comment : "We have an expe- rienced group, but our success will depend on how well we gel as a team early and gain confidence. We play in an extremely tough league, so we will all have to depend on our senior leadership. If Malik Johnson, Gabe Harbison and Holt Walker can give us the right leadership all season and get our younger kids to buy into our system on both ends of the court, we have a chance to put ourselves in position to win every night.'' GIRLS Coach: Dee Hardy Top returners: Sydney Harris, 5-10, Sr., F; Aaliyah Thomas, 6-2, Sr., C; Trinity Dixon, 5-7, Jr., G; Kayla Parson, 5-6, Jr., G; Danielle Tripp, 6-1, Jr., C. Top newcomers: Alexandria Scruggs, 5-11, Jr., G/F; Keonna Bryant, 5-9, Fr., G/F; Jordan Everett, 5-10, Fr., F; Moesha Smith, 5-8, Sr., F; Saniyah Diamond, 5-7, Fr., G. Coach's comment: "We are excited about the season. We lost several key players last season due to graduation but gained several athletic young ladies this season. Our team will look to rebound and use our athleticism to keep an aggressive pace this season. We feel every game will be competitive this season." BOYS Coach: Steven Mims Top returners: Isaac Bonds, 5-10, Sr., G; Keondre Fryar, 6-1, Jr., F; Ishmael McNeil, 6-4, Sr., C; Dante Shadley, 6-1, Sr., F. Top newcomers: Odell Gamble, 6-4, Jr., F; Jaylen Siermons, 6-4, So., F; Christopher Jordan, 5-11, Jr., G; James McLaurin, 5-8, Jr., G. Coach's comment : "There's no ques- tion that E.E. Smith will enter the sea- son with a completely different look from last year's squad. For this season, we will work hard to increase our men- tal and physical toughness as well as the amount of pressure we place on the ball defensively. Our frontcourt players need more experience and develop- ment to go along with their athleticism. As the season goes on and they gain experience, they should be potentially one of the more successful frontcourts in the conference.'' Terry Sanford basketball preview by EARL VAUGHAN JR. E.E. Smith basketball preview by EARL VAUGHAN JR. Girls' basketball coach Karl Monar Girls' basketball coach Dee Hardy Top newcomer Alexandria Scruggs Top returner Isaac Bonds Boys' basketball coach Steven Mims Top returner Lindsay Bell Top returner Malik Johnson Boys' basketball coach Darren Corbett

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