Up & Coming Weekly

November 28, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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Contents of this Issue


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NOVEMBER 29 - DECEMBER 5, 2017 UCW 23 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM CUMBERLAND co.cumberland.nc.us Find us on social media Linden Farmer Inducted Into Ag Hall of Fame C. Wayne Collier Jr. was inducted into the Cumberland County Agricultural Hall of Fame Nov. 17 during the Farm City Week program held by the Cumberland County Cooperative Extension and the Kiwanis Club of Fayetteville. Collier's official portrait was unveiled and will hang on the wall with those of past inductees in the I.B. Julian Auditorium of the Cooperative Extension office at the Charlie Rose Agri-Expo Center, located at 301 E. Mountain Dr. Collier is the owner and operator of Indian Ridge Farms in the Linden community of northern Cumberland County. A graduate of Pine Forest High School and N.C. State University, Collier has farmed for more than 40 years. He has operated a swine farm and raised corn, wheat, soybeans, hay and watermelons. Collier also worked as a postal mail carrier for 34 years and served as a Westarea volunteer firefighter. Collier is currently serving an elected four-year term as Cumberland County Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor. Collier has supported youth agricultural education programs including 4-H, FFA and the Soil and Water Envirothon. "You will always find Wayne participating at youth livestock shows, hosting forestry events for FFA students, advocating for 4-H and supporting environmental education for middle and high school students," Cooperative Extension Director Lisa Childers said. Fifth-generation farmer Zach Dail was named the 2017 Cumberland County Farm Bureau Outstanding Young Farmer of the Year. Dail farms with his parents, James and Wanda Dail, in the Wade community. Library Winter Reading Program Begins Dec. 15 Keep reading and stay engaged with your library by participating in the Cumberland County Public Library's "WRAP - Winter Reading & Activity Program." The Winter Reading Program runs Dec. 15 through Jan. 15 and is for children, teens and adults. Participants can win prizes by tracking their reading through reading logs available at any library location. All entries are eligible for a chance to win a festive basket of winter treats or a $100 Walmart gift card. Children can participate and keep a log of reading to receive a free book. Reading time with parents also counts toward prizes. Find out more information by calling 910-483-7727 or go online at cumberland.lib.nc.us. County Employee Food Drive Seeks Donations Cumberland County Government employees invite the public to participate in their annual holiday food drive. Non-perishable food items are being collected at County buildings through Dec. 13 and will be given to the Fayetteville Urban Ministry and Salvation Army for distribution to local families. Donations can be placed in the marked green plastic bins inside the entrances of the Courthouse and other County buildings. Suggested food items include canned meats, vegetables and fruit; as well as sturdy bags or boxes of rice, pasta, dried beans, sugar, flour, coffee and grits. Plastic jars of peanut butter and jellies are appreciated. ReBuild NC Housing Recovery Program Was your home damaged during Hurricane Matthew? Help is available. If you need help repairing your home from damage caused by Hurricane Matthew in October 2016, the state of North Carolina may be able to assist you through the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery program. Funds are available for eligible homeowners. Go to rebuild.nc.gov/apply for more information. C. Wayne Collier and his wife Carolyn stand with an official portrait for the Cumberland County Agricultural Hall of Fame. For More Information: Call Today 910.391.3859 Better Business Bureau of Coastal Carolina | bbb.org/myrtle-beach Add Trust To Your Brand Get Accredited 1,500 new families move into Fayetteville and Cumberland County every month. Many depend on the Better Business Bureau to recommend local "trustworthy" businesses and services. Are you an Accredited BBB Business?

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