Up & Coming Weekly

November 28, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/908170

Contents of this Issue


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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM NOVEMBER 29 - DECEMBER 5, 2017 UCW 17 Meteor Shower View- ing at Lake Rim Park, 7-9 p.m. Learn about aster- oids, meteorites and comets. Then view the Gemi- nids, one of the most impressive meteor showers of the year. Free. Call (910) 433- 1018 to register. "Chasing the Light: Photographs by Wick Smith" at Gallery 208 Call (910) 484-6200 for details. Trivia Night at Mellow Mushroom, 7 p.m. Call (910) 779- 2442 for details, Cape Fear Stu- dios Members' Holiday Show at Cape Fear Studios. Find a unique holiday gift. For gallery hours and details, visit www.capefearstudios.com. MONDAY TUESDAY 12 11 The Morale, Welfare and Recreation Property Branch holds an auction every quarter in Building 2-2814, Jackson St., Fort Bragg. Items may be previewed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. the week of the auction and from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. the day of the sale. For details, call (910) 396-5084. 1897 Poe House in Christmas Splendor through Jan. 7. Call (910) 486-1330 for free tour times. Tai Chi for Health at Cape Fear Botanical Garden 10 a.m. Call (910) 486- 0221 for details. Trivia Night at Mellow Mushroom, 7 p.m. Call (910) 779-2442 for infor- mation. The Open Mic at The Coffee Scene, 7:30- 10:30 p.m. Local and regional art- ists perform their work. Call (910) 864-7948 to confirm. 5 4 Check us out on Facebook! FREE HEALTH CARE for Adults call 910.485.0555 If you would like to see your event in Up & Coming Weekly, submit information to: Fax: (910) 484-9218 E-mail: Stephanie@upandcomingweekly.com Due to space restrictions, we are unable to place all calendar entries that are submitted. M W M S M W M S Join us for the best Monday Specials in town! Join us for the best Monday Specials in town! $12 NC Craft Beer Pitchers $20 Large Specialty Pies $3 Kid's Meals 7 PM TRIVIA 7 PM TRIVIA 301 N McPherson Church Road | 910.779.2442 | mellowmushroom.com http://www.vickysbiscuitsandchicken.com 491-2681 128 Grove Street M-F : 6am-2:30pm Sat : 6am-2pm Sun : 7am-2pm "The name has changed but everything else is still the same." 2 Piece Chicken 2 Piece Chicken 2 Piece Chicken December December December Double HAM biscuit Double HAM biscuit Double HAM biscuit $2.79 $2.79 $2.79 unique shops galleries restaurants coffeehouses tea shops wine bars brewpubs S A T U R D A Y E V E R Y i n D o w n t o w n F a y e t t e v i l l e FREE PARKING all weekend + evenings - Parking Deck on Franklin Street - City parking lots downtownfayetteville

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