Desert Messenger

July 6, 2011

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P��� 10 Around Town FREE PROMASTER CLASS WED. JULY 11TH Promack Treasure Hunting will be holding a free class on Monday, July 11th. Hands on with the Pro- master. Meet at the store, located at 455 E. Main St. at 6am and then we will be relocating to the desert shortly thereafter. For more infor- mation contact ProMack at 928- 927-7750 TOWN HALL MEEETING WED. JULY 20 The next Town Hall meeting with Quartzsite offi cials and council members will be held on Wed. July 20th at 3pm. The meeting ���.D�����M��������.��� will take place at the Senior Center, 40 Moon Mountain Rd. Bring your questions and concerns. Town staff and a two councilmembers will be present to answer questions If anyone wants a ride to the meet- ing, please call Town Hall and the transit service will pick you up. For more info call Town Hall at 928- 927-4333. COFFEE WITH COPS AUG. 3RD, 8AM Quartzsite Police Department in- vites you to Town Hall for “Coffee with Cops” on the fi rst Wednes- day of each month from 8am-9am. ...and donuts, too! Join Quartzsite Police Chief Jeff Gilbert and Quartzsite Police offi - cers on the fi rst Wednesday of each month! Here’s your chance to bring your questions and concerns to the Quartzsite Police Department. For more information call the station at 928-927-4644. DESSERT SOCIAL WED. EVENINGS Main St. Eatery hosts a Dessert So- cial fundraiser on Wednesday nights from 6-8pm. Proceeds for July 6th will go to the Women’s Club, July 13th will be Rotary, July 20th will go to the Museum, July 27th will go to the Catholic Church. Come visit with neighbors and enjoy a delightful dessert for only $2.50. Eatery is located at 205 E. Main Parking is west of the laun- dromat. Call Michelle Lukkasson to have your organization participate at 928-308-0011. SENIOR CENTER OPEN FOR SUMMER Senior Center (928) 927-6496 40 Moon Mountain Ave. Quartzsite Come Join Us Mon-Fri, 9 to 3 Lunch Mon-Fri at Noon $3 Dona- tion. We would like to start a Wii Bowling League and would like to start a Wii Fitness Program Cards & Games available every day Jigsaw Puzzles & Books to trade • Indoor Helicopter fl ying Wed & Fri. 9-11:30 AM VFW Post 769 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS 120 S. Palo Verde Quartzsite, AZ 928-927-7697 JULY ACTIVITIES July 11 Commrades meeting 6pm July 16 State Commrades Homecoming Sierra Vista July 21 B-Day Burgers Ladies at 4pm Aug. 1 Commrades meeting 6pm VFW Meetings are held the 1st Monday 6pm Mens Auxiliary Meeting: 1st Tuesday 6pm Ladies Auxiliary Meeting: 3rd Tuesday 6:30pm VFW Rides (Grandpa’s): 1st Saturday 6pm House Committee Meeting: 2nd Monday 6pm •Art Guild- 1st & 3rd Thurs. 6:30 PM •GFWC - Every 4th Mon. 7PM •VFW Auxiliary- 3rd Tues. 6:30PM •WIC- 3rd Thurs. 9AM •Veterans Services- 3rd Tues. 9:30- Noon •Painting- Every Thurs. 9-11 AM •Sewing Craft- Every Thurs. 9-11 AM •AZ Centennial- 1st Thurs. 4PM •PNQ- Every 2nd Thurs. 4PM 928-927-6496. Shelter, announced that the shelter will be going to BY APPOINTMENT ONLY hours for the summer. For more information or for an appoint- ment, call Patty at 928-916-0657. MUSIC JAM IN BRENDA Brenda, AZ continues to hold jams throughout the summer. Come on out and enjoy the fun on Thursday evenings at 7pm at Brenda RV Re- sort, located at 46251 E. Hwy. 60, Brenda, just 3 miles off 1-10. For more information, call 928- 927-5249. NEW ANIMAL SHELTER HOURS Patty Patton, of Paw Power Animal J��� 6, 2011 ATTN. PARENTS, BUSINESS OWNERS, AND COMMUNITY: HELP A CHILD WITH THE 6 PILLARS OF CHARACTER Quartzsite Elementary School teach- es a social skills program centered around the Six Pillars of Character. These elements are a major part of your child’s personal development. The 6 Pillars include Responsibility, Respect, Caring, Fairness, Citizen- ship and Trustworthiness. During the summer please continue to support the use of these pillars in everyday life. Parents and Commu- nity partners can fi nd coupons for the Six Pillars of Character available in the Desert Messenger Newspaper throughout the summer. Coupons may be turned in at “The Eater” lo- cated at 205 E. Main St., Quartzsite. The children with the most coupons will be presented with a prize at the September 12th Council Meeting. Please help our youth develop the skills they need to thrive in our evolv- ing society. Thank You Janet Collier DANCE THE POUNDS AWAY! Zumba fi tness classes with Kathy O’Campo continue at the AWC Quartzsite Learning Center. Class dates are as follows: July5th - July 28th, August 2nd – August 25th, August 30th – September 22nd. Classes meet on Tuesday & Thursdays from 6p.m. to 7:15pm. For more information call the Quartzsite Learning Center at (928) 927-8299, or, simply stop by and register, 695 N. Kofa Ave. in Quartzsite! FOOD BANK The Quartzsite Food Bank is open Tues. and Thurs. from 8am –noon. The food bank is located on Moon Moun- tain, just north of the Senior Center Must have AZ ID and be from La Paz County to meet the income require- ments. Donations are needed and can be dropped off during business hours. When shopping, just pick up a can or two extra to help others.

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