Desert Messenger

July 6, 2011

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P��� 8 HI JOLLY CEMETERY UPDATES Submitted by Dinice Ross, Hi Jolly Cemetery Board QUARTZSITE, AZ - On May 16th the 20x20 cement pad for the Veterans Area was poured at the Hi Jolly Cem- etery. Thank you to Mr. Bill Foote for the fantastic job you did plus the little extras you put in. We will be holding the Memorial Ceremonies on cement instead of dirt. Also thanks to: Derickson’s Jewelry, Alexander Clark, LaPaz Regional Hospital, Norborn Felton, Craw- ford’s Trailer Park, Community Bible Church, Palm Plaza Barber Shop, Val- ley Medical Center, Grubstake Chuck- wagon, Deanna Sheehan (Quartzsite Bakery), Holt Group, Inc. and the VFW Post #769 for their most gener- ous donations. This has been a long road getting the donations for this and every dollar do- nated has been saved and cherished and I bet you thought it wasn’t going to happen. It did and you can’t be- lieve the thanks and respect we on the Cemetery Board give you for opening your pockets. Some of the donations were not ���.D�����M��������.��� specified as to where they went. For those, thanks go to: Arizona Com- munity Health Care, Thomas Ander- son, James Sapp (Safari Park), Wes- ley Huntley, Pro RV and Air Inc. and Deanna Sheehan (Q. Bakery). For the Cremation Wall and fencing thanks go to the: Cactus Curlers Beauty Sa- lon, Doug Ross, Heisolm (Palm Plaza Laundromat), Betty Hunter, Inc. Real- tor, Sonshine RV Park, Hardies Beads & Jewelry, Sacred Heart Church, Quartzsite Beauty Salon, Elmer & Margaret London, QTZ Repeater Ass. (Hams), Quartzsite Historical Society. The Quartzsite Women’s Club donat- ed for Beautification which is going to come in handy around the Veterans Area. Thanks to many of you that split your requests between the Cremation Wall, Veterans area and Fencing. We are still collecting monetary donations and will be until more goals are met. We would also like a new entrance road off Kofa and the parking lot paved – high goals, no income! So, to earn some money, we are having a plant sale the 1st of October. If you have any plants to donate to our sale in October – please drop them off at the Quartzsite Bakery and put them under the large tree to the right. Dee from the Bakery will water them throughout the summer until the sale October 1st. The money raised from this plant sale will help with our projects in the cemetery. If there are any questions, please call Dinice Ross 928-927-6593 – Hi Jolly Cemetery. Mondays or Tuesdays COME ON OVER TO THE NEXT “CRUISE IN” JULY 9!! By Joanne Winer Want something different to do on a hot Saturday night? Come on over to the next “Cruise In” which will be held on Saturday, July 9 at the Shell Station at the corner of B-10 (Main St.) and Hwy 95 N (Central Blvd). Due to the hotter weather right now, the time has been changed for this every other Saturday night event--it will start at 7 pm instead of 6pm. There will still be lots of door prizes, 50 cent hot dogs and fountain drinks, and specials on ice cream from the Shell Station. Bring your antique, vintage or classic car to show it off, or just come and see what some great old car enthu- siasts have created with all their hard work. It’s always a great time, and lots of fun for the whole family. Due to the popularity of the cruise- Quartzsite Radio KBUX 94.3 FM • Quartzsite’s Favorite “CLASSIC HITS” • Local Information • Weather • 24 Hours Day / 7 Days Week! 928-927-5111 First locally-owned and operated music station in Quartzsite, Arizona. Proudly serving the communities of Quartzsite, Bouse, Brenda, Rainbow Acres, La Paz Valley and beyond, since 1988. ins over the past year, plans are in the works for an upcoming “Rust and Rel- ics” event that will be held in November at Tyson Wells Showgrounds. This event will feature a corral where anyone who wishes to show off his classic, vintage, or antique vehicle of any kind (cars, trucks, motorcycles, tractors, etc.) with no en- try fee since it is not a contest. The main reason for this event is to bring vendors with parts from all over the state to set up and sell parts to the car enthusiasts who will come to the event. This is a very popular type of event all over the coun- try, and it is hoped that it will be another success here once it gets going. The event is sponsored by the Quartz- site Business Chamber of Commerce, and will be our new major fundraiser for the chamber. There will be entertain- ment, raffles, food and much more. If you want information about setting up a booth to sell your parts, or just in- Deadline for Aug. 3rd issue of the Desert Messenger is WED. July 27 Email: Phone: 541-218-2560 J��� 6, 2011 formation on the event, please call the Quartzsite Business Chamber at 928- 927-9321 during business hours (Tues., Wed. and Thurs. 9am-1pm) or leave a message and Tony will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also find him at the Cruise Ins every other Satur- day night and talk to him about this new event he is helping to organize. More in- formation will be given out as the event gets closer. QSAPC HOLDS 1ST ANNUAL INVITATIONAL DINNER Submitted by Samantha Hess Quartzsite Substance Abuse Preven- tion Coalition (QSAPC) held our first annual invitational meeting on May 19, 2011. This meeting was held to invite people within the Quartzsite community to attend, listen in on a presentation, & join us for dinner. The informational session of the meeting began at 4pm. The information provided for the guests was shown in a slideshow that was also printed for the guests to read over themselves. Within the slide- show information was provided about what the coalition is all about, what we are trying to accomplish, and what we have accomplished thus far. We stressed the fact that our biggest issue as of right now is man power, & how we can use all the hands, ideas, and people that are willing to volunteer & help. As of right now the coalition only has about eight regular attendees to our monthly meeting, we hoped that throughout this dinner we could pro- vide the information that would per- suade individuals to join our coalition & help us to provide the community with the continued support we have been trying to give. We had a good turn out of 24 people that signed in on the sign in sheet, and we had many people that seemed very interested in getting involved and help- ing out, we even had people already suggesting new ideas & things that they thought we could do within the com- munity to better it. After the presenta- tion and Q & A portion, we then served dinner, and the guests continued to talk with each other, and also current coali- tion members, about ideas, the next meeting, and more information on the coalition. We encourage anyone that is interested in the coalition to attend our monthly meetings. They are held the third Thursday of every month at 4pm at the local fire department. All in all the meeting was a complete success and we hope to have gained some new members by the next meeting.

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