Desert Messenger

July 6, 2011

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J��� 6, 2011 ���.D�����M��������.��� Town installs new road gates at Tyson Wash QUARTZSITE, AZ- The Town of Quartz- site has installed new road closure gates at the three roads crossing Tyson Wash in preparation for the monsoon season. The new barracades were pur- chased with H.U.R.F. monies available for road improvements, according to Town Manager, Alex Taft. The dry climate in Arizona creates an ideal situation for fl ash fl ooding to oc- cur, particularly during the summer. Many roads in the state cross drainage channels, also known as washes or ar- royos. Although they are normally dry throughout the year, they fi ll quickly when a summer monsoon goes through. If you come upon a fl ooded road- way, do not attempt to drive through it even if there are no barriers or the water does not appear to be deep. The fast-moving waters may sweep you and your vehicle away. If a fl ooded roadway is barricaded, and you still drive around the roadblocks, be pre- pared to pay the consequences. ARS § 28-910, also known as the “Stupid Photo by Starr BearCat Quartzsite Senior Center YES! WE ARE OPEN! Mon-Fri 9am-3pm P��� 13 Motorist Law,” will hold you liable for all emergency response costs incurred to rescue you and your passengers, salvage your vehicle, and other related expenses up to $2,000. Control of a vehicle is lost in 6 inches of water. Most vehicles will begin to fl oat in 2 feet of water.) NEVER leave your child unattended in or around your vehicle, even if you only need to run a quick errand. Young children can die or be seriously injured after being left alone in ve- hicles, even if the windows are open. The same is true for pets that are left unattended. When it is 100 degrees outside, it can become 140 degrees inside the vehicle after just 15 min- utes! If you leave them locked in the vehicle, or if you see an unattended child or pet inside another vehicle, immediately call 911. Remember to always get your children and pets out fi rst when leaving your vehicle. 40 Moon Mt. Rd. Quartzsite 928-927-6496

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