Up & Coming Weekly

January 10, 2023

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/1489808

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 2023 MLK DREAM JAM TOURNAMENT PROGRAM UCW 11 3727 Rosehill Road • Fayetteville # Name Pos. Gr. Ht. 0 Diavante Shepard G Sr. 6'0" 1 Michael Ross Jr G Jr. 5'10" 2 Justin Caldwell F Fr. 6'4" 3 Diamante Shepard G Sr. 6'0" 10 Osvaldo Vergara G So. 5'11" 11 Dewayne Nesbitt G Jr. 5'11" 12 Lindwood Rowe F Jr. 6'5" 15 Dyjon Carver F So. 6'7" 22 Aaron Monroe G Jr. 6'0" 23 Devaughn Brown PG So. 6'0" TRINITY CHRISTIAN Athletic Director: Heath Vandevender 910-263-4857 heathvandy@gmail.com Boys Coach: Heath Vandevender 910-263-4857 heathvandy@gmail.com 2301 Fort Bragg Road • Fayetteville # Name Pos. Gr. Ht. 1 Tatum Pritchett PG Sr. 6'0" 2 Josiah Thomas-DeBerry PG So 5'9" 3 Parks Helms SG Jr. 5'10" 4 Brady Barnes SG Jr. 6'5" 5 Carlos Craig G Sr. 6'3" 10 Johnathan Higgins-Simmons C Jr. 6'3" 11 Tyler Peuster SG Sr. 5'10" 12 Thomas Horne SG Jr. 5'9" 14 Hunter Canady SG Jr. 5'11"" 15 Te'Jon McDaniel-McCormick PG Sr 6'4" 20 Kimani Brantley SF Sr. 6'7" 23 Jake Gronowski F Sr. 6'3" 24 Jaylen Wright G Jr. 6'0" Athletic Director: Rangel McLaurin 910-978-1637 rangelmclaurin@ccs.k12.nc.us Boys Coach: Karl Molnar 910-977-4000 karlmolnar@ccs.k12.nc.us 1/16 6:30 PM Terry Sanford VS Trinity Christian School Assistant Coaches: Chris Goodman, Eramis Smith & Jay Johnson TERRY SANFORD

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