Up & Coming Weekly

January 30, 2018

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM JANUARY 31-FEBRUARY 6, 2018 UCW 3 V.I.P Early Bird Edition delivered "Free" directly to your computer every week. Sign on today! WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM This Week In Fayetteville WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31 YOGA IN THE GARDEN at Cape Fear Botanical Garden. 6-7 p.m. $5 for non-members. Call 910-486-0221 ext. 36 to register. FAYETTEVILLE "OVER THERE" – CENTENNIAL OF WORLD WAR I at Fayetteville Area Transportation and Local History Museum. Free. Call 910-433-1457 for details. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 "SEUSSICAL THE MUSICAL" at Cape Fear Regional Theatre through Feb. 25. Visit www.cfrt.org for tickets and information. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 "VENUS IN FUR" at Gilbert Theater through Feb. 17. For tickets and information, visit www.gilberttheater.com. FRIENDS OF MUSIC GUEST ARTIST SERIES: NYAMSAIKHAN ODSUREN at Hensdale Chapel, Methodist University, 7:30 p.m. Free. Odsuren is a violinist and a conductor from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. He's given tour concerts in Austria and Slovenia and represented Mongolia in music festivals across the world. MONDAY, JANUARY 29 TRIVIA NIGHT at Mellow Mushroom, 7 p.m. Call 910-779-2442 for details. TUESDAY, JANUARY 30 CHANCELLOR'S SPEAKER SERIES: "HIDDEN FIG- URES" AUTHOR MAR- GOT LEE SHETTERLY at Fayetteville State University's J.W. Seabrook Auditorium. 7 p.m. Free. Call 910-672-1111 for details. "JOSEPH BEGNAUD: SEPA- RATE FROM THE NATURAL WORLD" exhibit at Gallery 208 located at 208 Rowan St. Call 910-484-6200 for details. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 DANCING STORIES WITH APRIL C. TURNER at Museum of the Cape Fear Historical Complex. 2 p.m. Turner uses dances, stories and songs from traditional West African culture to affirm community-building, such as working together, integrity and perseverance. Free. Call 910- 500-4240 for details. CITY MARKET AT THE MUSEUM at Fayetteville Area Transportation and Local History Museum, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Call 910- 433-1457 to learn more. (910)-222-1500 www.braggmutualfcu.org 3 Locations to Serve You: 2917 Village Drive, Fayetteville 201 Hay Street, Suite C, Downtown Fayetteville 219 N Main Street Spring Lake Plus 50 Co-Op ATMS in Cumberland County! DEPOSIT RATES UP TO *1.84 AS OF 1/11/2018 *some restrictions apply You too can be a member if you live or work in Cumberland County! Contact us today! We decided not to keep Bragg Mutual a secret...

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