Up & Coming Weekly

January 30, 2018

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/934128

Contents of this Issue


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22 UCW JANUARY 31-FEBRUARY 6, 2018 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM FEB. 10 • 20TH ATTEMPT THE CAROLINAS' FULL THROTTLE MAGAZINE FEAR OF FEBRUARY PARTY at Double D Burnout Saloon, 1408 E. Mountain St., Kernersville, NC. Noon-6 p.m. Free oysters and wings, diamond pendant raffle, TV raffle, live music, games, giveaways, T-shirts and more. Visit www.fullthrottlemagazine.com or con- tact Mark Infield at mark@ftcarolinas. com or 336-885-5400 to learn more. APRIL 4 • DOGWOOD CREW ORPHAN RUN at Speedway Harley-Davidson, 10049 Weddington Rd., Concord, NC. Help the Disciple Christian Motorcycle Club raise money for a young boy or girl to find a for- ever family. To learn more, search the event on Facebook. APRIL 14 • NC BUFFALO SOLDIERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB OF FAYETTEVILLE 8TH ANNUAL PONY EXPRESS CHARITY RIDE at Fort Bragg Harley Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville. Registration begins 9:30 a.m., kickstands up 10:30 a.m. $20/bike. There will be food, refreshments and door prizes. This is a charity ride, sheriff's office escorted, to raise funds to benefit the community. To learn more, call 205-902-4642. APRIL 28 • HOGS AND RAGS 2018 starting at Airborne & Special Opera- tions Museum, 100 Bragg Blvd. Registration begins 7 a.m. Kickstands up 9 a.m. $50 per person; all proceeds benefit local nonprofit organizations. The escorted ride ends at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. There will be a breakfast stop at Racking A Ranch in White Oak, N.C. For more information, call 910-818-0458. 4624 BRAGG BLVD. Big Game Sunday February 4th Call for more information 2703 RAEFORD ROAD • 910.426.227 7 • WWW.BIZCARDXPRESS.COM Affordable Signs Affordable Printing ASAP!

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