Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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12 UCW JANUARY 31-FEBRUARY 6, 2018 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Fayetteville State University's Chancellor's Speaker Series presents Margot Lee Shetterly, Tues- day, Feb. 6, at 7 p.m. at J. W. Seabrook Auditorium. e speaker series is designed to bring top execu- tives, government officials, academic leaders and nationally known speakers to FSU. Shetterly is an entrepreneur, writer, researcher and the author of "Hidden Figures: e American Dream and e Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race." e film adaptation, "Hidden Figures" became the No. 1 movie in America during its run, scoring three Oscar nominations (Best Picture, Best Adapt- ed Screenplay and Best Supporting Actress for Spencer) and two Golden Globes (Best Supporting Actress for Spencer and Best Original Score). It also won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstand- ing Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture. Up & Coming Weekly spoke with the author about her upcoming appearance. UCW: What should the audience expect to hear from you Feb. 6? Shetterly: I'll be speaking about my book, "Hidden Figures," and a little bit about the history behind it. UCW: Please give us a short synopsis of your book. Shetterly: It is a story about four African-Ameri- can women who worked as mathematicians at NASA from 1943-1969. It serves as the secondary narrative (to the primary narrative), which is really the history of desegregation of schools in Virginia by extension of the United States. UCW: What inspired you to write this book? Shetterly: My father is a NASA scientist, and I grew up knowing these women and grew up living in the same community with them. eir history is my history in a very direct way. UCW: Why is it important to tell the history of black women? Shetterly: I think the most important thing is if we wait for other people to tell our story, it won't get told. I think it is really incumbent upon each of us who know these stories, (who) grew up with these people who are remarkable and may not (have) got- ten their full accounting in the history books – we have to learn those stories and tell those stories. UCW: What is the one thing you want the audi- ence to take from your presentation Feb. 6? Shetterly: One thing is that all of this is our his- tory. Black history is American history. ere is no difference between the two. UCW: Are you working on any new projects? Shetterly: I am just in the beginning stages of working on a new project. "Hidden Figures" is still keeping me busy. UCW: Final thoughts? Shetterly: I'm really looking forward to the trip. It is very exciting, and I am really grateful to every- one for extending the invitation. e event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 910-672-1111. 'Hidden Figures' author to speak at Fayetteville State University by DR. SHANESSA FENNER EVENTS DR. SHANESSA FENNER, Principal, WT Brown Elementary School. Contributing Writer. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomingweekly. com. 910-484-6200. Margot Lee Shetterly is the author of "Hid- den Figures: e American Dream and e Untold Story of the Black Women Mathema- ticians Who Helped Win the Space Race." know in the stay www.upandcomingweekly.com We can help you learn what is happening in and around Fayetteville! In print and online! 208 Rowan St. 910.484.6200