Sigma Pi - Missouri University of Science & Technology

Spring 2017 Newsletter

Alpha Iota Chapter of Sigma Pi at the University of Missouri Science & Technology

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spring 2017 THE CROSSING A. I. SP S I G M A P I • A L P H A I O T A C H A P T E R The CROSSING M omentum continues to build at Alpha Iota, as we see membership increasing, brotherhood improving, and our presence on campus building. With these changes we also see growth in competition with housing improvements on campus. TKE is halfway through construction on a brand-new house on Fraternity Row, and LCA is under construction on a major addition and renovation. In contrast, Alpha Iota continues to maintain our aged housing, with the main house roof being the primary focus. We continue to monitor the roof, hoping for the best but planning for the worst. Our goal is to break ground on a new house prior to ever needing to invest in another roof, but if leaks reoccur we will address them appropriately. With that goal in mind, the Building Association and the Educational Foundation are working hard to support the needs of our undergraduates and we are excited about what the future holds for our chapter. As we make progress in our efforts, the chapter continues its promise to improve the culture and brotherhood of our fraternity. Working with National, they have met with recruitment specialists and attended workshops, resulting in an encouraging five-man spring pledge class. We are also excited to report new leadership has stepped forward to lead the Alpha Iota Educational Foundation. Congratulations to Mike Munsell '93 and Jeff Ostermann '96, who have taken over for Steve Buechler '90 and Craig Wakeman '99. Many thanks to Steve and Craig for their years of service to the Educational Foundation! The Building Association will continue to share our progress as we implement steps to ensure the chapter's future success on the campus of MS&T. Fraternally, Kurt W. Steinmann '97 Alpha Iota Building Association President (314) 409-6773 Momentum Builds, Alumni Look to Future From the Archives The newest arrival—Alpha Iota's addition to the chapter house provided study and sleep quarters for 12 men and expanded bath and dining room facilities. Also pictured is the corner of the previous Alpha Iota expansion when the Beckman annex was added in 1963. Robert L. Niehaus '68 accepts the first-ever Louis Foley Award for excellence in a chapter alumni news publication during the 1968 Sigma Pi Convention. The publication was the Alpha Iota Screenings. Above: The Barn Dance Hot Shots of Alpha Iota on the front porch of the house. Pictured are members from the late '30s and early '40s: Thurman Thomes'40, F. Hugh Wilson '40, Joseph Rakaskas '40, Robert Livingston '40, John Zagata '40, Walter Mussel '39, James Fox '42, Arthur Twiehaus '42, William Smothers '40 and Jack Markley '40. Right: Brothers gather at the senior day bonfire. A lumni, send us your archived photos for a chance to be featured in future issues of The Crossing. We want to capture our rich Alpha Iota history and share it with all generations of brothers. You can e-mail photos and scans to Kurt W. Steinmann '97 at

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