Desert Messenger

May 30, 2012

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May 30, 2012 Quartzsite, AZ - Arizona Centennial Committee of Quartzsite completed its mission. Over three years ago, An- gie Masales of the GFWC Women's Club of Quartzsite spearheaded an in- spired group of residents who wanted a year-long celebration of the 100th anniversary of Arizona's statehood. In the fall of 2004, Governor Janet Napolitano, Senate President Ken Bennett and House Speaker Jake Flake jointly announced their prefer- ence for the Arizona Historical Advi- sory Commission to plan the State's Centennial. Neither the State nor the Town allocated funds for the Arizona Centennial celebrations. Grass roots community efforts made this an event to remember statewide. The magnitude of this project needed the complete support of our commu- nity, so the Woman's Club asked the Council to reinstate the Town's Com- mittee. The newly formed Arizona Centennial Committee of Quartzsite met for the fi rst time on Wed. April 28, 2010. Masales served a short time, then moved from town, but still remained an active participant. The new volunteer board members AZ Centennial says The camels are coming! project that refl ects the uniqueness of Quartzsite. As the board members, and the com- munity, watched the new welcome signs being constructed last summer, it wasn't until the metal camel silhou- ettes were placed that it became obvi- ous what the project would be. While researching the possibilities of pur- chasing camel silhouettes, the board learned the original black metal cam- els on the signs were to be replaced with bronze camels. The question was asked, "What will happen to the black camels?" The board learned the Town planned to in- stall three camels each at Town Park, Town Hall, Police Station and Hi Jolly Cemetery. The excitement fi lled the air in the board room with the synchron- icity of learning the Lasting Legacy Project was fi nally coming together. The board proceeded to purchase were Shanana "Rain" Golden-Bear, Michelle Lukkasson, Mary Hunt- ley, Monica Timberlake, and Audrey Berger. Dinice Ross served as liaison between the board and Town Hall. Arizona Historical Advisory Commis- sion's Vision for the Centennial was to "Ensure a lasting legacy for future generations by encouraging all Arizo- nans to refl ect on our unique and au- thentic history, to experience the rich and diverse tapestry of our heritage, and to explore our promising future." According to the state, "Legacy Proj- ects involve community-wide col- laboration and demonstrate the vital- ity, quality and diversity of Arizona. These projects will help to establish a lasting legacy well into the next cen- tury." The fi rst order of business was to approve a logo that was unique to Quartzsite. PJ Bettman designed the beautiful new logo which was incor- porated into publicity materials and souvenirs for fundraising efforts. Over the past two years, many fund- raisers were held to support the events as well provide funds for Quartzsite's Lasting Legacy. Community members submitted many ideas for the Lasting Legacy Project. Over a year later, the board was still struggling with mak- ing a decision on the best choice for a one camel, unveiling it at the Arizona Centennial fi nale in February. The board members had actually planned on announcing the Lasting Legacy Project for the kick-off in 2011. If the committee had rushed into making a decision then, the outcome would have been different. The board will be adding 8 large camel silhouettes and 3 medium cam- els to the Town's original 12. As with all municipal boards, the process is sometimes slow and full of missed de- tails. But fi nally, the camels are coming! Just Rambling... My first golf game a riot. First drive straight down the fairway and long. Nine holes later 110 strokes, with a trophy for least putts. A non-golfer affair. One players ball over his head, into the club house pool. With 18 holes we'd likely still be out there. Provided by Elmer London & Desert Messenger ard Trusty, who has put in countless hours procuring the camel art for the community. It is the board's hope to also have enough funds to purchase miniature camel street sign toppers for Main Street and N. Central Blvd. Due to the enthusiastic response, businesses (or individuals) will be able to purchase small camel silhouettes to affi x to their storefronts, for under $150. If you are interested in placing an order, contact Richard Trusty at 651-587-6136. UPDATE on Welcome sign camels: According to Assistant Town Manger, Al Johnson, the black camels are being replaced with bronze camels, which was the original design. They came in under budget, so the Town decided to spend the remainder of the money on their fi rst choice of bronze camels. The metal camels had been removed by the Town in preparation of their replace- ments. The two signs at the east and west entrances now have the new cam- els installed with security cameras. CAMELS The are coming! Through awareness, education, par- ticipation, funding, and creating a last- ing legacy, Quartzsite will shine once again as a positive infl uence upon the State of Arizona. The board would like to thank Rich- Page 9 Memorial Day traffic report The Quartzsite Police Department in conjunction with the Governor's Of- fi ce of Highway Safety conducted a traffi c enforcement detail over the Memorial Day holiday weekend. We had four offi cers assigned to work traffi c on Interstate 10, Highway 95 and Town roadways with the empha- sis on Central Blvd and Main Street. Our offi cers wrote 80 citations for speeding, no proof of insurance, no proof of vehicle registration, expired vehicle registration, and stop sign violations. In addition, three written warnings were given. We are happy to report that no vehicle accidents occurred within the Town of Quartzsite limits during the holi- day weekend, despite heavy traffi c on Town roads and the highway. It is the goal of the Quartzsite Police Department to make our roadways safer for our residents as well as trav- elers through our Town. Our priority is to reduce crashes, fatalities and in- juries on our streets and highways by enforcing DUI and traffi c laws in the Town of Quartzsite. We would like to thank the citizens celebrating the hol- idays for being responsible when they are behind the wheel. Quartzsite Chief of Police FULL SERVICE SALON See us for all your hair needs! Perms, Cuts, Colors and All Nail Services: Manicures, Acrylic, Gels and Shellac. We also do Pedicures. Come in and try our new pedicure massage chair. Tanning bed packages available! Corner of Moon Mt. & Cowell • Quartzsite • 928-927-5400 QUARTZSITE'S ONLY YEAR ROUND SALON Quartzsite General Store FOR ALL YOUR GROCERY NEEDS! OPEN 7 DAYS 8AM-6PM SALES RUN THURS.-SAT. (NEW FLYER TUES.) 410 E. MAIN ST. QUARTZSITE Fresh Meats (retail & wholesale) 928-927-6310 A.P.S. Pay Station AZ Lottery & Pick Fish & Game Licenses Beer & Wine Jeff Gilbert

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