Sigma Chi - Montana State University

Fall 2014 Newsletter

Beta Rho Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity at Montana State University

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C raig's undergraduate experience at Beta Rho changed the course of his education. Being around like-minded men and their successes gave him an anchor and a purpose, transforming his idea of what college should be. Craig realizes the importance of Sigma Chi for those who may have fallen off course academically. "Beta Rho was a unique support system and family away from home; it changed my expectations of myself as a student and a person." Craig understands the undergraduate challenge of choosing the career path that is the best for you. He suggests to undergraduates, "Find something in college you are passionate about. Analyze what a job looks like within the degree you are pursuing. Would you enjoy that?" Through this process of exploration, Craig discovered that teaching is the best path for him. As a recent graduate, Craig was fortunate to get a job teaching earth science in his hometown at Billings Senior High. He knew that the school district did not traditionally hire recent graduates, but in his interview he promised that if hired, he would dedicate 30 years of the best, hardest work he could to his students. Craig remembers this promise every day and realizes how fortunate he is to have such a wonderful job. Craig has already fulfilled his promise of exceptional work, as he has been named 2015 Montana Teacher of the Year. Craig is inspired by his students' high energy and excitement for learning. "In this age of technology, they are eager to have all of their questions answered." Craig's favorite challenge is to find the answers to all of their questions and encourage them to continue asking. "I tell my students that my classes are teaching them to learn, empowering them to choose their own path and go on to learn anything they want." When Craig isn't inspiring and motivating young minds, he enjoys reconnecting with his brothers by going to Bobcat games with his family. "We love bringing our families to games, showing active members that relationships made at Beta Rho last forever." Craig believes that alumni need to set strong examples of success and lifelong friendships for undergraduate brothers. "We can be positive influences by showing men what their futures may look like if they continue to work hard. Having active alumni shows undergraduates hope for the future." Craig and his wife, Christi, have two children, 5-year-old Rigley and 3-year- old Rock, as well as Danger, their dog. They are proud to have found jobs in Montana, allowing them to share all their favorite activities—hunting, fishing, and camping—with their children. E-mail: 2 BOBCAT SIG CONSUL Dillon Haskell '15 (406) 860-9839 / PRO CONSUL Sean Becker '15 (406) 850-2613 / QUAESTOR Andrew Eggert '16 (303) 518-3649 / TRIBUNE Blake Bowmn '16 (406) 396-2501 / RECRUITMENT CHAIRMAN Colton Coffee '17 (406) 855-6028 / MAGISTER Danny Meurell '16 (408) 693-8090 / Craig Beals '05 Chooses the Path of Excellence CHAPTER OFFICERS T his fall, Beta Rho has gone above and beyond to get to know as many potential new members as possible. Since last year's recruitment was an extreme success, the bar was set high for Colton Coffee '17, our recruitment chairman. Brother Coffee planned several recruitment events and advertised for these events by distributing over 2,000 recruitment flyers. Throughout August and September, Beta Rho held recruitment events such as a Hawaiian barbecue, a river float, a hike, a hot springs visit, and steaks and "Sig"ars in order to engage potential new members. Additionally, brothers invited recruits to enjoy a home- cooked meal at Monday night dinners. All of these events were well attended and enjoyed by both active members and potential members. Having a full chapter house enabled Beta Rho to be more selective when choosing new members. Beta Rho requires all new members to have a high school GPA of at least 3.0. We also look for men who have aspirations to take on future leadership roles within the chapter. Initiation took place on November 16, where we proudly welcomed 15 men into the Sigma Chi brotherhood. Thank you to Chris Eddlemon '16 and Colton Coffee '17 for bringing the Beta Rho recruitment process to new levels of growth and excellence. We encourage alumni to support new members to show the true commitment for which Sigma Chi stands. The fall 2014 new Beta Rho members. Recruitment Reaches New Heights

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