Sigma Chi - Montana State University

Fall 2014 Newsletter

Beta Rho Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity at Montana State University

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BOBCAT SIG Fall 2014 the Beta Rho Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity Montana State University FEATURES: Alumnus Spotlight 2 • Beta Rho Gains Momentum 3 • Homecoming Happenings 3 • Beta Rho Growth 4 U pon graduating from Montana State University, we all leave Sigma Chi with high hopes of keeping our fraternal bonds intact. Unfortunately, we quickly find that many new interests—careers, families, and civic activities—can create valid diversions. The day-to-day activities of life take over and, before long, we fall out of touch and begin to wonder what happened to our brothers. Without a solid alumni relations program in place, our members lack the means for staying connected to the fraternity. With this in mind, our annual alumni relations program is designed to help our members stay in touch and to cultivate awareness and involvement in Beta Rho. There are several elements that are key to the program's success. We will mail two newsletters each year containing alumni news, information on upcoming events, reports on various chapter activities, and current lists of undergraduate new members and officers. Once a year, we will send out a biographical update that allows alumni to update the information we have on record. These updates also provide the information for one of the most popular features in the newsletters, the "Alumni News" section. Altogether, the updates are a vital tool in maintaining our records and our ties with one another. Our first biographical update has been inserted in this issue of the newsletter, so please take the time to update your information and mail it back to us. We would love to hear from you! We now have 55 active chapter members, with 33 of those living in the chapter house. Our objective is to focus on quality, keeping the house full and maintaining current membership levels. This year, in our efforts to keep the house in top condition, we have focused on security. Thus, we have installed security cameras and lights on the outside of the house and put auto locks on all four of the entry doors on the ground level. We have also completed our women's bathroom renovation. I want to remind everyone of our annual alumni Homecoming weekend. While the event has already occurred this year, please clear your schedules for the upcoming years. We first have an alumni cocktail and dinner party at the chapter house on Friday night. On Saturday, we have an alumni tailgate prior to the football game on the west side of the stadium. You can register online by going to our website at We will be sure to remind you of this event via e-mail as the date approaches. Provide your e-mail address on the enclosed information card to make sure you receive our updates. Also, mark your calendars for Beta Rho's 100th anniversary! In fall 2017 we will have a special alumni Homecoming weekend to celebrate this milestone. We hope that through the Beta Rho's annual alumni relations program your fraternal bonds are regularly renewed and strengthened. We are always interested in hearing from you, so if you have any suggestions, alumni news, or ideas for articles, please submit them to Beta Rho Chapter of Sigma Chi, P.O. Box 442100, Lawrence, KS 66044-2100. We continue to invite alumni to join the house corporation or volunteer as an advisor to the active chapter. If you are interested, please contact me. Sigma Chi success is dependent upon alumni involvement. In Hoc, Paul Boylan '63 House Corporation President BETA RHO LAUNCHES ALUMNI RELATIONS PROGRAM House Corporation Increases Security and Encourages Alumni Participation

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