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October 5, 2011 Rotary plans for winter season Welcome Home Quartzsite winter res- idents and visitors from the Quartzsite Rotary Club. It's that time of year for all of us 'full time' organizations and residents to get in gear and start planning for our winter activities. This year in addition to our annual Christmas Tree & Wreath raffle held from mid- November to mid-Decem- ber, our Color TV give-away for the middle of the winter season and our Semi annual highway clean-ups in the fall and spring, we have partnered with the Arizona Centennial of Quartzsite Committee to add a fun time on No- vember 19th, 2011. The Quartzsite Rotary Club will host a Mad Dash Turkey Hunt, right here in Quartzsite. That's right "Turkeys" in Quartzsite, on November 19th, 2011. So mark your calendar for that date. The Rotary Club will, also, have the "Hoosegow" on display at our meeting place Silly Al's Pizza from November 13th through November 27th. (Put on your thinking cap and have someone arrested on Wednesday November 16th between 7- 9 PM or on Tuesday November 22nd between 7-9 PM, by our "Official Sheriff") Half of the profits from these two events will go toward the Arizona Centennial Quartzsite Committee, for finale events to be held on February 11-14, 2012. For information on any of these events feel free to contact these members: --Linda Ward, President at 803-984-4230 --Angie Masales, Secretary, 805-312-1544 --Barbara Cowell, Treasurer, 928-916-4222 or --Doug Ross at 928-927-7380. Leave a message and someone will get back to you as soon as possible ~ or watch for additional information in the following issues of the Desert Mes- senger, or Parker Pioneer. Town Wide Quartzsite The Circus is coming! Sat. October 8th, The Jordon World Circus rolls into town for a show at Town Park! Not all details are known. The JORDAN WORLD CIRCUS, one of North America's premier travel- ing circuses, is owned and produced by Jody Jordan of Las Vegas, Nevada. Hailing from a long background of aerialists and circus performers, Jor- dan brings a unique talent to the cir- cus management field. His exciting two hour shows are presented on annual tours from coast to coast and border to border by local Shrine Centers and clubs, police and fire associations, civic clubs and organizations, merchant as- sociations, local presenters and venues, and fairs, festivals, parks and the like. "Yes, it's a truly kaleidoscopic won- derland of sight, sound and color all blended into one memorable enter- tainment experience that will not soon be forgotten." For more information visit Art Guild news We had a great meeting last time. There were15 members as we had new members come visit us. We had a good time learning how to paint a sunset us- ing Jerry Yarnell's art lesson from PBS channel 8. For October, Ron Stoltz will take over and will be demonstrating some tech- niques that wants to show us. Should be real interesting. Also bring your fin- ished sunset painting so we can com- pare all the different kinds of sunsets. Its really amazing how we can all be so different while doing the same subject So come out if you have an interest in painting. Next meeting is Thursday October 6, at 6:30 pm at the senior center. The meeting after that will be October 29 so you can plan ahead. Carol Brainerd Roland 928-927-7344 Sat. & Sun. Nov. 12 & 13 Sponsored by Arizona Centennial of Quartzsite, GFWC Women's Club & the Desert Messenger Call PJ Bettmann for more info: 928-927-5324 Community Spaghetti Feed Mark your calendars for Saturday - October 29, 2011. Bring your friends and neighbors, and enjoy an afternoon and evening of great food, fun, free drawings and music at Isaiah 58 on Moon Road. In a continued effort by both churches, to help the community of Quartzsite, volunteers from Isaiah58, Covenant Lutheran Church, Quartzsite Food Bank, and friends and neighbors will put on a Community Spaghetti Feed. Beginning at 3:00 PM and continu- ing until 6:00 PM. We will be serving a complete spaghetti dinner. The cost is $5.00 per person which entitles you to a great dinner and a free drawing ticket. At 6:00 we will have free draw- ings to give away many lovely items that have been donated for this event. After the drawing there will be an en- tertainment program with talented lo- cal and snowbird musicians. This event is for two great causes and all profits will go to assist the local Food Bank and the Isaiah 58. Please come and support your community. Page 9 "Angry people want you to see how powerful they are... loving people want you to see how powerful You are." — Chief Red Eagle Ironwood Accounting 225 Central Blvd North of Horizon Community Bank P O Box 4389 Quartzsite, AZ 85359 ACCOUNTING- (QuickBooks) Accounts Payable (Including 1099's) Accounts Receivable Payroll (including W-2s) Management/Financial Reports TAX – Business & Individual NOTARY/FAX/COPIES UPS & FedEx Shipping 928-927-8543 (office) 928-550-7020 (fax) Email: VFW Post 769 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS 120 S. Palo Verde Quartzsite, AZ 928-927-7697 UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Quartzsite Country Bash Oct. 14-15 Friday's Pre Party Concert is FREE Admission for VFW members (w/card) Oct. 8th 10am Training Session Bouse Post # 2357 Oct.11, 18,& 25: Taco Tuesday VFW Riders meeting 1st Saturday of the month at 2PM this month at Roy's Comrades meetings the 1st Monday 6pm Mens Auxiliary Meeting: 1st Tuesday 6pm Ladies Auxiliary Meeting: 1st Tuesday 6:30pm, Senior Center House Committee meeting 1st Sunday at the month at 10am This is a smoking establishment