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October 5, 2011 by Barbara Lee Aries: March 21 to April 19- "I AM". If you feel like you are at the bottom of the barrel them maybe you are ready to change some deep seated patterns that are begging for attention. Spend time with your Libra friends, you can always count on them to give you the opposite side of any situation. Clarity is on the way and you are sure to get it if you can make time to play with your Libra friends. You are so ready to express your creativity, the issue is to find an outlet for this new energy surge coming soon. Taurus: April 20 to May 20- "I Have" It may be that right now what you find the most fun has to do with educating your higher mind with a metaphysi- cal library. You are in the mood to test out several modes of living, but don't get hooked into any one way of being because your soul is craving for ad- venture. The Scorpios in your life are great teachers to help you utilize your creativity. The key is to just do it, don't worry about the final outcome, it is the process that counts. Gemini: May 21 to June 20- "I Think" Any work that you are willing to do on your relationship now will produce longevity. The issue of communication is an important one, be sure and say what you mean and mean what you say. Exciting changes are coming your way that will help you merge more into spiritual union with the one you love. In that union you will uncover an emo- tional depth that has been there all along but have been afraid to touch. Cancer: June 21 to July 22- "I Feel" You need to get in touch with the deep- er aspects of your emotions. This is a cycle where you can come to terms with how you deal with your life. This is a time of answers and integration espe- cially if you are willing to do the work. Your friendships will give you really good opportunities to reflect on what is most important to you. The desire to nurture your self is very strong now, it will lead you to a positive choices in your life. Leo: July 23 to August 22- "I Will". You need to watch your finances in order to not let your worry over lack Perceptions Astrological © 2011 Barbara Lee of luxury items drain your energy. The desire to be popular and fun loving will out weigh the option of any com- bustion or combative encounters with people you don't like. The time you take to listen to the underground cur- rent of energy will educate you more than any classroom could. Tune into the unspoken words of life and you will hear the inner wisdom of the Uni- verse. Virgo: August 23 to Sept. 22- "I Analyze" You are wanting to commune with your inner depths and talk about what you find inside your mind. This is a powerful time to plan for your future and to call on the visionary aspects of your subconscious. You may ex- perience a power surge beyond your expectations. Your greatest strength right now is your education. Even if its just subjects that you teach yourself because you enjoy learning as much as you can. This is the time to acquire a new skill that will serve as a fantastic creative outlet. Libra: Sept. 23 to Oct. 22/23- "I Balance" Everything in your life right now is at its peek, nothing is hidden from you. The love in your life needs to be spread around, the more you give the more you will re- ceive. You are working through lessons having to do with your fourth Chakra. Activities that can help activate this area are giving love unconditionally, spending time in nature as well as al- lowing yourself to be nurtured. You need time for a relaxing massage, take this opportunity to recharge yourself. Scorpio: Oct. 23 to Nov. 21/22- "I Transform" All the stuff that you have swept under- neath the rug about your relationships is about to come up to the surface to be dealt with. Taurus people really seem to be a good mirror for you, they have a tendency to make you take a strong hard look at yourself, even when you don't want to. You are being forced to encounter issues about yourself that you are not usually in touch with. What you need is courage to be hon- est with yourself first, then with your loved ones in your immediate environ- ment. The key to successful growth is to allow yourself to experience your emotions. Sagittarius: Nov. 22 to Dec. 21- "I Perceive" Living in the fast lane doesn't seem to be as fulfilling as it used to be. You are searching for a deeper connection to your inner roots and a more sincere approach to relationships. Freedom used to be without commitment but now freedom can be explored in an ad- venturous, avenue with someone you are serious about. After October 22, you will be ready to start any new proj- ects with a power that can sustain you for a long time. Capricorn: Dec. 22 to Jan. 19- "I Use" You are on the verge of a huge change in your personality as well as how you view the world. Finally its time for you to come to terms with the choices you have been making. What goes around comes around. Its time to take control of your life, because you are the only one that can. After you spend time reviewing your life for the future, the answers that come to you will be like gold. The knowingness of what di- rection you want to take yourself will recharge your future, so get ready and, go climb a mountain! Aquarius: Jan. 20 to Feb. 19- "I Know" What your heart really wants now is time to relax and reflect on your inner Page 21 life. The study of spiritual subjects is also a positive focus for your life. Don't let your Aquarian optimism get you into trouble helping people that are not serious about making improve- ments in their life. The direction you take for the next six months will have to do with increasing your financial sustenance while you make choices to do more of what is important. Set your intentions and dream your dreams. Pisces:Feb. 19 to March 22- "I Believe" The energy in your life is about to speed up. You are so busy going here and there and talking with people that your nervous system is on overload. Your lesson now has to do with your ability to focus your energy and decide on a positive coarse of action. If you have been feeling like you want to go back to school then now is urging you to educate yourself. October 23, is a good day to reflect on where you want your life to go. Barbara Lee Copyright 2011 Wildwood Botanicals (208) 773-7822 DISH Network delivers more of what you want for less than you'd expect. Packages starting at: 30 Premium Channels for 3 Months! Local Channels Included! For 12 monthsMO with 24 month Agreement. 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