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October 5, 2011 BLM Camping opens Long-Term Visitor Areas Long-Term Visitor Areas (LTVAs) are specially designated areas lo- cated on BLM lands in California and Arizona. These LTVAs provide places for visitors to stay for longer periods of time between September and April. A seasonal special rec- reation permit is re- quired, and the per- mit allows visitors to stay in any of the six LTVAs in California or two LTVAs in Ari- zona: Imperial Dam LTVA near Yuma and La Posa LTVA near Quartzsite. The America The Beautiful Interagency Passes, or Golden Age/Golden Ac- cess Passports are not accepted. Quartzsite BLM LTVAs • South of I-10, and running on both sides of Route 95 is the La Posa Long Term Visitor Area (LTVA). The La Posa LTVA charge is $40 for a stay of up to 14 consec- utive days, or $180 for up to a sev- en month stay (September 15th - April 15th). The fee entitles you to a use of the trash bins, dump sta- tion and a potable water station. The La Posa LTVA is divided into 4 sections: • La Posa West is just south of the Big Tent where the RV show is held - a walkable distance. • Across the high- way from the West section is the North section of the La Posa LTVA, also walk- able depending on how far north you park your rig. • A few miles south along the west side of Route 95 is the Tyson Wash section. • And to the south of the North section is the South section. Quartzsite BLM - Free Camping Free camping is not to exceed 14 days in a 28-day period is permit- ted in non-fee Quartzsite BLM areas. • Plomosa Road: Take 95 north of Quartzsite to the Plomosa Road turnoff and turn right. The free camping is on the north and south sides of Plomosa Road. • Hi Jolly/MM112: Head north of Quartzsite on US Highway 95 at mile marker 112 on right side. • Dome Rock Mountain: West from Quartzsite about 6 miles. Take 1-10 west to the Dome Rock exit. Camp- ing is south of the Frontage Road (Kuehn Street). • Scaddan Wash: About 3.5 miles east of Quartzsite. Take the 1- 10 Frontage Road from the mile marker 19 exit east. The camping area is south of the Frontage Road (Kuehn Street). • Road Runner: This Quartzsite BLM camping area is on the west side of US 95, about 5 miles south near mile marker 99 on US High- way 95. (fondly called "99") You can pick up maps of the Quartzsite BLM locations at the one of the BLM camping areas. Page 17 There are also maps that extend beyond Quartzsite, depicting other BLM LTVA's, non-fee camping ar- eas, and recreation areas. There are also a number of pri- vate campgrounds with hookups in Quartzsite, as well as some pay showers and a couple laundry- mats. More information on campgrounds and BLM lands can be found at Or visit the BLM's website at With a week like yours, you need a church like ours! Changing Hearts.... Changing Lives... Through Worshiping God and Serving Others • Sunday: Christian Education 9am Worship 10:30am Evening Worship 7pm • Wednesday: Women's Bible Study - 10am Bible Study 7pm • Thursday: 12 Steps to Freedom 7pm • Friday: Discipleship Class 9am & 10:30am Grow in your relationship with God Fire Station Church For free ride to Church call (928) 927-5808 EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Quartzsite First Assembly of God Church 665 W. Tyson, Quartzsite, Arizona • 928-927-5808