Desert Messenger

October 5, 2011

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Page 2 DEADLINE is WED. OCT. 12 for Oct. 19 th issue of the Desert Messenger Email: Phone: 541-218-2560 Spirit Walk 2011 Sat. Oct. 29th from 3pm -6pm At the Hi Jolly Cemetery, Pioneer Section, Quartzsite, AZ The Hi Jolly Cemetery Board, Town of Quartzsite, presents a unique and spe- cial Spirit Walk at Hi Jolly Cemetery. There will be 17 dearly departed 425 N. Central (Hwy. 95) OPEN MON. - FRI. 9am - 1pm Auto pay RV DUMP Cash or Credit Card PROPANE OPD Valves Custom Hoses Recertification Refills Tanks WATER R/O Ozone Water RV Potable Water R/O ICE with full hookups R/O WATER 5 GAL/ $1 RV PARK 928-927-3714 gravesites that have been selected, researched and showcased on this historical "Spirit Walk" at the Hi Jolly Cemetery. The volunteer actors and actresses received a scripted biography of one of the chosen pioneers and then add their own research, props and per- sonality to the character. This free historic walk is an event that will be filled with fun and "Spirits" for the whole family. These tales of our unique pioneers offer insight into the early days of Quartzsite- the why and how they got here- where they came from and how they lived and died. For more information contact Dinice at 928-927-6593. Just Rambling... In first grade I wore two left shoes, (or was it two rights) to school. Some- one said, "Hey kid your shoes are on the wrong feet! " Switching didn't work. At recess my third grade brother, nailed me and we switched. I don't know who put their shoes on first that morning. However, I got the blame. Provided by Elmer London & Desert Messenger READER'S OASIS BOOKS 690 E. Main - Quartzsite (one block east of Family Dollar) 928-927-6551 October 5, 2011 Editorial "There is nothing stronger in the world than gentleness." ~ Han Suyin Welcome back to the snowbirds re- turning to their favorite winter nesting place! The BLM lands are now open and RVs are also being spotted pulling in to RV Parks. There's always so much to do while visiting Quartzsite. We all have choices on how we use our time. Do we fill our time enjoying the peaceful Sonoran Desert? Or do we join in the multitude of activities in town? Our seasonal restaurants are opening up, offering customers a variety of delicious foods. Vendors are also returning with their tents full of spectacular deals. There is nothing quite like Quartzsite! Where else can you live in a rural com- munity and have seasonal vendors bring direct to you such amazing specials? I'm sure folks will all be talking about the publicity the town has received over the summer. How we approach this discussion will determine how welcome our visitors and vendors feel. We have choices in our responses. Every "perceived" negative situation can be turned around into a positive, if we can only be creative in our think- by Shanana "Rain" Golden-Bear ing. I've recently returned to school, receiving additional Life Coach train- ing. The first school I attended used the principles of playing a winning game in your life, playing the game better, etc. In the new training, we approach the world using gentle techniques, which can accomplish amazing, similar out- comes. It has been fun to integrate the two processes with helping those who fear the future. In our world today, we witness so much anger and splintering of groups. Is it the fear of the unknown? Is there a deep uncertain fear of our future with concerns of 2012 and recent stock market losses? And/or the threats of another recession? How does this all affect our little town of Quartzsite? How can we use gentle- ness in our approach to others who may disagree with our opinion? Can Quartzsite work out the dings and dents we've received, and put the shine back in the town? For those who have been gone during the summer, you will see lots of wonderful changes. The new trees along Hwy. 95 and the new walking path on Plymouth are great additions to the community. You prob- ably didn't hear about all of that in the news, did ya? These new additions are examples of how the energies of QUIET, Gentle Strength can be used for the better- ment of a community. The media loves drama, however, the drama shared does not, and cannot, fully express the beauty that resides in this community. Enjoy the wonders and opportuni- ties of Quartzsite! D����� M�������� Founded by Walt Akin, October 1, 2004 Contributing Writer, Joanne Winer Quartzsite‛s FREE Community Paper Name Plate Lettering by Paul Winer PUBLISHED BY PILOT ROCK PUBLISHING CO. P.O. Box 3185, Quartzsite, AZ 85359 • E-mail: Published twice a month on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday, Sept. - May, Special Summer Editions in June, July & August Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Desert Messenger. Shanana "Rain" Golden-Bear, Publisher Copyright © 2011 541-218-2560 Contributing Photographer, Starr BearCat

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