Red Bluff Daily News

December 20, 2014

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LEGALNOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014000343 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CAL TRACE 250058 Gravel Pit Road Los Molinos, CA 96055 Jennifer Borchard 25005 Gravel Pit Road Los Molinos, CA 96055 The registrant commenced to transact business under the fic- titious business name or names listed above on N/A This business is conducted by: an individual S/By: Jennifer Borchard Jennifer Borchard This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Tehama County on 11/14/2014 BEVERLY ROSS Tehama County Clerk & Recorder Publish: December 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2014 WANTED Someone with lawnmower to handle leaves in my yard. reasonbly priced. 385-1044 EOP&S/CARE COUNSELOR YC - $61,656 - $95,099/YR. - FFD: 1/9/15. Apply to: YCCD, 2088 N. Beale Rd, Room 21, Marys- ville, CA 95901, TDD (530) 634- 7760 or http:// District App required. EEO WANTED I buy old Porsche's 911, 356. 1948-1973 only. Any cond. Top $$ paid. Finders Fee. 707-965-9546. 2 bd 1ba duplex avail in Corning $525- + $600 dep. NO PETS. 347-9425 3 HOMES FOR RENT Corning Area 2-4 BD No Pets Newly Remodeled $725-1200 + DEP Renee 530-838-0226 or 530-824-2900 IN TOWN 3 bdrm/1 bath, $775 mo. deposit $775. 4 bdrm/1 bath, $975. Section 8 approved. Call for information 530-736-5179 Country Living 2bd 1ba with extra room W/D hkups lg fncd yd no drugs no alco- hol $675 mo + dep. Possibly to work off some rent. Sec 8 Ok. Pet ?? 824-4335 MANTON 3BD/2BA newer home on 1 acre. Attached ga- rage, landscaped, and below the snow. $950/mn 530- 474-1511 SEASONED WOOD 16" Oak $240 16"Almond $260 Delivered Call 527-3638 STORAGE/ESTATE SALE 3 New Storage Units!!!! 707 Walnut St., Red Bluff Friday 8am-5pm, Saturday 8am-5pm Lots of Furniture, collectibles, tools, fishing gear, Knick-Knacks, dressers, & jewelry! TOO much to list! ESTATE SALE! Sat. 8am-2pm & Sun. 9am-12pm Huge wonderful home full of antiques vintage mid-century modern. Furniture, collectibles, clocks, glassware, kitchen, furniture, iron patio set, burl coffee table, bedroom, teacups, billiard table, wonderful old safe, and much more. 13790 Crestview Drive. Off Adobe. See pictures at O a k Almond and pine, Oak & Almond $250 cord, Pine $180 cord. 530 366 1091 i}> ÌVià i}> ÌVià ià vÀ ,iÌ "ÕÌ v Ài> ii`] iÀÌâiÀ >` ÀiÜ` ià vÀ ,iÌ] 1vÕÀÃi` *iÀÃ>à Work Wanted Duplexes Unit Rental ÕÃÌ >` >ÃÃV 6iVià ii`] iÀÌâiÀ >` ÀiÜ` xÎä xÓÇÓ£x£ "vvViÕÀÃ\ " °,° n\ääx\ää Ãi` ->ÌÕÀ`>Þ] -Õ`>Þ E >À `>Þà "7/"* 9"1, -- \ £nxxÈÈÇÓÓxx ,-- *" ÝÓÓä°,i` Õvv] Èänä " - 1- x{x >` Ûi°] ,i` Õvv \ää > x\ää «° - 8 xÎäxÓÇxÇÇ{ ½Ì vÀ}iÌ ÞÕÀ >i] >``ÀiÃà E «i ÕLiÀ 7 */ 7- 9 , 1 / "1 /9 / 6 " " / " 1 / 9 - £ n n x i>`iÃ Ì «>Vi >` V>Vi >`à / ÀÕ \ -ÕLÌ >` LÞ\ /ÕiÃ`>Þ À`>Þ £ « 7i`iÃ`>ÞÀ`>Þ >Þ LivÀi >Ì £ « ->ÌÕÀ`>Þ À`>Þ £ « - - 1-/ *,* iV 9ÕÀ ` 1« ÀÃÌ *ÕLV>Ì ,i«ÀÌ >Þ iÀÀÀà i`>ÌiÞ] n\ää> Ì Ó\ää«° /i >Þ iÜÃ Ü Ì Li ÀiëÃLi vÀ ÌÞ«}À>«V> iÀÀÀð /i >Þ iÜà ÀiÃiÀÛià Ìi À}Ì Ì ÀiÛÃi À ÀiiVÌ E Ì «À«iÀÞ >ÃÃvÞ `ð 1`iÀ VÀVÕÃÌ>ViÃ Ü Ìi >Þ iÜà Li ÀiëÃLi vÀ Ài Ì> Ìi VÃÌ v Ìi >`ÛiÀÌÃiiÌ° £ää 7"" " -/,1 /" Õ`} -Õ««ià >À µÕ«iÌ] -Õ««ià /à E µÕ«iÌ i>ÛÞ µÕ«iÌ 7` À ->i , , - ̵Õià E iVÌLià ÕVÌà «ÕÌiÀà ÝiÀVÃi] i>Ì] iÌV Àii Ìià ÕÀÌÕÀi] ««>Vià ÌiÀiÌ -iÀÛVià ÃVi>iÕà À ->i ÃV° 7>Ìi` Ì ÕÞ -«ÀÌÃ] Õà 7>Ìi` Ì /À>`i 9>À` ->ià , /- " /½® ,Ã] ,>Ìià 7>Ì Ì ,iÌÉÕÃ} , -// ÕÃiÃà "««ÀÌÕÌià Ìà E VÀi>}i "ÕÌ v ÌÜ ,i> ÃÌ>Ìi ,i> ÃÌ>Ìi 7>Ìi` ,i` Õvv ,i> ÃÌ>Ìi , , */- >Àà E ,>Vià >À µÕ«° -Õ««ià >À *>ÃÌÕÀi] ,iÌÉi>Ãi ii`] iÀÌâiÀ] ÀiÜ` ii`É-ii` ÀÃiÃ] ÛiÃÌV] *ÕÌÀÞ ÕÀÃiÀÞ -ÌV] -ii` *iÌà /, -*",//" " /½® ÕÌÉ/ÀÕVà 7>Ìi` VÞVià >Ìà E 7>ÌiÀVÀ>vÌ ÌÀVÞViÃ] -VÌiÀà ,6] /À>iÀÃ] >«iÀà /ÀÕVÃ] *VÕ«Ã] 6>Ã] {Ý{½Ã " "- Li ià Li i *>Àà E -Ìià ,6 *>Àà , /- «Ìð À ,iÌÉÕÀÃi` «Ìð À ,iÌÉ1vÕÀÃi` Õ`}à E "vvVià ÕÃià À ,iÌÉÕÀÃi` ÕÃià À ,iÌÉ1vÕÀÃi` *>À}É-ÌÀ>}i -«>Vià ,iÌÀiiÌ E ,iÃÌ ià "1 /- ÕViiÌà ÃÌ E Õ` ÌVià *iÀÃ>à -,6 - >}Éi`} ` >Ài -*ÀviÃÃ> -iÀÛVià -VÃ] ÃÌ° /À}° *"9 / iiÀ> i« 7>Ìi` ViÃi` ÌÀ>VÌÀà ->iëi«i 7>Ìi` 7À 7>Ìi` /, -*",//" ÀVÀ>vÌ ÕÌÌÛi ÕÌ -iÀÛViÉ*>ÀÌà >ÃÃvi` 9"1, -- 7 **, " "1, 7 -/ ÜÜÜ°Ài`LÕvv`>ÞiÜðV SPECIALMEETINGS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS — RED BLUFF— 785 Musick 529-0301 OR 225-8955 (24 hrs. Redding) 7 DAYS A WEEK.. .................................... NOON & 8:00PM Presbyterian Church, 838 Jefferson TUES....6:30PM BOOK STUDY • THURS....6:30PM OPEN MEETING SUNDAYS............6:30PM.........................CANDLE LIGHT Villa Columba Rio Street Entrance (Non -Smoking) WEDNESDAYS....6:00PM ........................ OPEN MEETING SATURDAYS........10:00AM & 6PM..........OPEN MEETING SUNDAYS............8:30AM........................OPEN MEETING St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Corner Jefferson & Elm MONDAYS ........... 6:30PM ................ LADIES BOOK STUDY MONDAYS ........... 8:00PM..............................MEN'S STAG FRIDAYS..............7:00PM ........................OPEN MEETING Bethel Church, 625 Luther Rd. MONDAY-THURSDAY ........................................... 10:00AM — CORNING — 712 5th Street SUNDAY-FRIDAY....................................1:00PM & 7:00PM SATURDAYS........YOUTH ...................................... 6:00PM REGULAR MEETING ................8:00PM Foursquare Church WEDNESDAYS....7:00PM....SERENITY 12-STEP GROUP — RANCHO TEHAMA — Rancho Tehama Community Center SUNDAY-FRIDAY.....................................................6:00PM — LOS MOLINOS — Senior Citizen's Hall, Josephine St. & Sherwood WEDNESDAYS....7:00PM ........................OPEN MEETING AL-ANON — RED BLUFF — 601 Walnut St. WEDNESDAYS....NOON...........................STEP MEETING THURSDAYS ....... 7:00-8:00PM................OPEN MEETING Presbyterian Church, 838 Jefferson MONDAY..............6:00PM WEDNESDAYS ............. NOON ADULT CHILDREN of ALCOHOLICS – RED BLUFF — 25 Gilmore Rd., Apt. D (Idle Wheels RB Park) — 529-5667 THURSDAYS ....... 6:30PM ........................ OPEN MEETING NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS — RED BLUFF — 900 Walnut St. - Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun 925 Walnut St. on Thurs. MONDAYS ........... 7:00PM - 8:30PM......OPEN MEETINGS TUESDAYS..........7:00PM - 8:30PM..............STEP STUDY WEDNESDAYS....7:00PM - 8:30PM .......... CANDLELIGHT THURSDAYS ....... 7:00PM - 8:30PM ........ OPEN MEETING FRIDAYS..............7:00PM - 8:30PM ........ OPEN MEETING SATURDAYS........7:00PM - 8:30PM ........ OPEN MEETING SUNDAYS............7:00PM - 8:30PM ........ OPEN MEETING Right Road Recovery Center, 645 Antelope Blvd. MONDAYS ........... 8:00PM - 9:00PM.........MEN IN ACTION 525 Pine St. MONDAY-FRIDAY...........11:00AM ........ SOLUTION GROUP First Church of God, Luther Rd & So. Jackson St. THURSDAYS .................. 8:00PM..................MEN'S GROUP River Park Conference Room, 100 Main St. MONDAYS ...................... 7:30PM.........RED BLUFF GROUP — CORNING — 240 Edith Ave., Rec. Room, 824-6166, 384-1538 MONDAYS ........... 7:00PM ........................OPEN MEETING TUESDAYS..........7:00PM ( Non-Smoking)WOMEN'S OPEN — LOS MOLINOS — United Methodist Church, Sherwood & Josephine St. TUESDAYS..........7:00PM..............ANONYMOUS GROUP OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS — RED BLUFF — St. Elizabeth Hospital, Coyne Center, Wood Room WEDNESDAYS....6:30PM....................12 STEP MEETING TOPS CLUB Take Off Pounds Sensibly, #1711 — RED BLUFF — United Methodist Church, 525 David Ave. TUESDAYS..........9:30AM......WEEKLY PRESENTATIONS Advertise your treasures in the Classifieds. The Daily News Make a Clean Sweep 123N.First•555-NEWS Classifieds: 1-800-555-ADS1 Don't want the "treasure" you found while cleaning the attic? The Daily News Make a Clean Sweep Don't want the "treasure" you found while cleaning the attic? RedBluffDaily News•527-2151 Website: E-Mail: Advertise in the Red Bluff Daily News Classified Ads 527-2151 Web: E-Mail: Makethatchorepayoff with a garage sale! Bring in extra cash and get rid of your unused item at the same time! Class ads work call 527-2151. Class ads work call 527-2151. Landscape/Fence Steve's Tractor & Landscape Service • Fence Building • Landscaping • Trenching • Rototilling • Disking • Mowing • Ridging • Post Hole Digging • Blade Work • Sprinkler Installation • Concrete Work Cont. Lic. #703511 SteveDyke 385-1783 In Print Every Tues. - Thurs. - Sat. Online: Publishes 24/7 Threeadditionalonline locations at no extra cost! Print and On-Line HOMESERVICESDIRECTORY Full Size $ 112 Per Month No early cancellation, non-refundable TWO SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM Half Size $ 67 .50 Per Month Construction FREE ESTIMATES 530 949-6162 CA LIC#914460 A l l en s C o n s t r u c t i o n House Remodel / Specialist Rental Turnovers / Repairs Bathroom Remodels / Tile Painting • Electrical • Plumbing • Drywall Repairs • Fences • Decks • Concrete • Garages Quality at a reasonable price Advertisement Ifthiswasyour Service Directory ad customers would be reading it right now!! Call us at 527-2151 For more information Roofing Callfor Estimates! Residential, Commercial & Mobiles HARBERT ROOFING, INC. 530-223-3251 Lic# 696974 Time To Roof? Blinds Need Blinds? C A L L P A U L 527-0842 North State Blinds & Draperies Lic.#906022 Paul Stubbs Advertisement If this was your Service Directory ad customers would be reading it right now!! Call us at 527-2151 For more information Electrical Builders General Contractor B, C8 & C10 Licensed Call (530) 200-5581 LIC#815898 www.marknelsonbuilders.con Jakes Roofing 24 HR EMERGENCY SERVICE Red Bluff & Surrounding Areas Patch/Repair to Complete New Roof 530-366-4121 License # 602587 Lawn Service (530) 566-7951 ★ LAWN SERVICE ★ WEED EATING ★ HEADING ★ GUTTER CLEANING ★ FULL TREE SERVICE ★ FIRE BREAKS ScottWest HONEST& DEPENDABLE Green again landscaping Los Molinos Unified School District is accepting applications for a Special Education Instructional Assistant 5.5 hours per day $9.92 - $12.06 per hour DOE. Assist in providing instruction to students in classroom, pull-out or other learning environment. Must have high school diploma or equivalent and be NCLB compliant. For more information please contact Debra Edwards at 530-384-7826 or EOE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 529-0879 Section 8 Welcome 15 Cabernet Ct. Red Bluff Apartments & Duplexes Cabernet 1/2 OFF FIRST MONTH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014 REDBLUFFDAILYNEWS.COM |CLASSIFIEDS | 5 D

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