Phi Kappa Tau - Mississippi State University

Spring 2021 Newsletter

Alpha Chi Chapter of Phi Kappa Tau at Mississippi State University

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ALPHA C HI ALPHA C HI REVIEW REVIEW P H I K A P PA TA U | A L P H A C H I C H A P T E R | S P R I N G 2 0 2 1 THE THE Ensuring Phi Kappa Tau's Lasting Legacy at Mississippi State Thankful for Alpha Chi Brotherhood Bonds and Support EMBRACING YOUR ALPHA CHI LEGACY I f we've learned anything in the last year, it's the importance of familial support, including that of our Phi Tau brothers. Without the support of our brothers, we wouldn't be who we are today. We are truly grateful for everyone who partic- ipated in the second Bill Jones '60 challenge. Together, we raised $55,386. Although we did not meet the $100,000 matching goal, Bill was impressed by the effort of our alumni and will still contribute the full $100,000. Thank you, Bill! Your donation goes beyond its monetary value and will ensure Phi Tau's future at Missis- sippi State. As we look to what's on the horizon for Alpha Chi Chapter, we cannot neglect to look at where it started to see how far we've come. Alpha Chi Chapter was first chartered at Mississippi State in 1938; it was rechartered in 2015. Throughout the decades, Phi Tau has made a lasting impact on undergraduates, Mississippi State's campus, and the Starkville community. Take a look at our most notable events over the years on page 4. Alumni support has enabled Phi Kappa Tau to succeed at Mississippi State throughout the years. The bonds of our brotherhood keep us all connected, through joy and sorrow. While the last year hasn't been easy for anyone and finan- cial hardships have been all too common, we ask that you consider supporting the Embracing Your Legacy campaign if you haven't taken the leap yet. We still need $420,033 to reach our $1.5 million goal. Every dollar helps, and no gift is too small. Please fill out and return the enclosed pledge form if you'd like to support Phi Tau at Mississippi State today. We look forward to seeing what Alpha Chi Chapter achieves in the years to come, and we are so thankful for your loyalty and support of the Phi Tau brotherhood. Love and Respect, William Jones '60 Campaign Co-Chairman (919) 417-1947 Barry Toney '85 Campaign Co-Chairman (214) 926-3348 The new elevation rendering.

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