Desert Messenger

July 7, 2010

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P��� 4 regarding the budget. Everyone should attend. If for no other reason than see- ing who you voted for and watch how they perform. The new member to the council is the mayor. He does not know how to turn his phone off or to silent operation. His phone rang three times during the meeting. Anyone whose phone rings twice should be removed from the building for interrupting the meeting. The agenda called for a ‘Roll Call’, but the ‘new guy’ did not do that and later said, “I didn’t think we did that”. Why was it on the agenda? Did the ‘new guy’ not look at the agenda before and approve it or ask questions? Instead of announcing a ‘Call to the Public’ the ‘new guy’ just asked if any- one had any more questions. Was he referring to the council or the public? Does he know anything about running a meeting? The ‘new guy’ also asked the finan- cial people to create a ‘new form’ that would show the revenue source and how much has been spent to date. He was informed that this document was placed in the mail box of all council members three days before this meet- ing. He again asked that it be created (does he have a hearing problem) and attached to the council package. He never understood that the document “THE PEOPLE’S VOICE” Letters to Editor Policy Desert Messenger encourages letters from its readers. Letters should be no longer than 300 words, and may be ed- ited for grammar, content and length. We invite you to not only see a problem, but search for the solution to share with the community, keeping the benefit of all in mind. Letters considered libelous, in poor taste, on a personal issue, mean spirited or dominated by Scripture quotes will not be published. To avoid confusion over people with common or similar names, writers must provide a full name and indicate the name they are known by. Writers must provide a full street address and phone number. Rvers can provide the location of park/BLM land, etc. Street addresses will not be published. Phone numbers are for verification only and will not be printed. Mail letters to: The People’s Voice, Desert Messenger, P.O. Box 3185, Quartzsite, AZ 85334 or E-mail to: 928-785-7204, 541-218-2560 I attended the special council meeting What is the matter with this guy? ���.D�����M��������.��� THE PEOPLE’S VOICE already existed and all he had to do was look in his mail box. Does he need to be handed everything and have it explained to him? I am happy we have six members on lic body is reprehensible. Well docu- mented evidence of on-going attempts to render Mayor Foster ineffective has created an autocratic, dictatorial form of government. The childish behavior of this public body underscores their incompetence and strongly supports the citizen’s effort to remove them from office. Once again, this public body has gone political in-fighting, manipulation and posturing being implemented by incumbent members of the Quartzsite Town Council and Town Manager Alex Taft in an obvious effort to refuse to cooperate with duly elected Mayor Ed Foster, it can only be concluded the above captioned individuals have their own agendas irrespective of the wishes of the citizens of Quartzsite. The outrageous behavior of this pub- Having carefully reviewed the recent Quartzsite in the Winter from San Diego for many years. We moved here full time January 2009 and still have a lot to learn about this area. It was shocking for us to read in the LA’s Biosolids in La Paz County? My wife and I have been coming to Concerned taxpayer, Quartzsite Reprehensible behavior Skip Gallup taking their marching orders from their hired legal gun. Denying people their expression at the council and a great town manager who know what is going on and will be able to guide the town until the next election. council meetings and conducting nu- merous closed door meetings in places as remote as Laughlin, Nevada is a slap in the face of tax paying citizens. It is most apparent this public body and administration has no intention of bowing to the wishes of the people. It is long past due time for them to go. Bob Miller Quartzsite JULY 7, 2010 Jerry and Michelle Lukkasson of Sun- setters RV Park and Q Laundromat have donated a large shade cover and Stubby Callison and Tom Toleson of Callison Construction have donated the time and effort to set it up at the Quartzsite Animal Shelter, Paw Power! Thank you all for your generosity. All of us at Quartzsite’s Animal Shelter appreciate your care and compassion for Quartzsite’s lost and abandoned dogs and cats. far beyond disrespecting the people they are sworn to serve. They are now showing absolute contempt for the people of Quartzsite. This public body has long resisted subscribing to profes- sional ethical standards adopted and adhered to by other public bodies. The elected and appointed officials Chief Operating Officer of the Town of Quartzsite and has every legal right to examine any and all Town documents and to access of all personnel and fi- nancial information of the Town. One must wonder what this public body and the Town administration is attempting to hide. One has to wonder why the council of Quartzsite can not seem to accept the fact they are the servant and not the master. Mayor Foster is the duly elected Arizona Republic 6-21-2010 that Los Angeles has been sending its MASSIVE amount of sewage to La Paz County, Arizona for years. I followed the heated legal battles for years with Kaiser Ven- tures LLC and Los Angeles trying to send waste to the old Kaiser Mine near Eagle Mountain off Interstate 10 in the Mojave Desert. The Appellate Court denied the appeal in November 2009, so that pretty much concludes that deal. Los Angeles and California wants to boycott everything to do with Arizona, but they obviously want to continue sending all their sewage to Arizona, especially since NO LOCATION in California or in any other states is dumb enough to take it! Since Los Angeles and California are so vocal about boycotting Arizona, it’s crazy that La Paz County and the State of Arizona allows Los Angeles to send all of its “crap” here. It’s especially upsetting that this “Crap” is going right through Quartzsite and that it’s final resting place is so close to us. I’ll bet Los Angeles and California of- ficials and President Obama are getting a good laugh out of Los Angeles sending all of its “Crap” to Arizona! There are VERY GOOD reasons why and administration would continue to employ the services of the current Town Attorney. Is this the result of le- gal advice being given the council and town manager? One must conclude the public body and town manager are 2010 a young woman got up and asked what the Council could do to create jobs for people in Quartzsite. Council meet- ings are to be conducted under “Roberts Rules of Order Revised” and we are not allowed to respond at that time, that is why I have written this letter. At the same meeting another woman stood up and said she was in a town in Nevada and someone asked her where she was from, when she told them Quartzsite, AZ. they responded by say- ing “oh-the recall capital”. She also said we would have had a Wal-Mart built here (creating jobs for many people) had it not been for the instability of Quartzsite due to all the recalls. Quartzsite is known as the “Rock Capi- tal of the World” of this we can be very proud, can we also be proud of being the “recall capital” Meeting and listened to several speak- ers both on the council and the public. There were a large number of residents voicing their concerns about people coming together for a unified Quartz- site. First thing to concern me was the Perplexed with mixed messages I attended the June 22nd Council no location in California or other state will take this “Crap”. When we lived in California, we saw that heated battle in the news all the time. Why does Quartzsite, La Paz County and the State of Arizona allow this? What can we do to keep this Los Ange- les “crap” out of Arizona? Proud Quartzsite Resident a glimmer of hope that the mayor and council had started to get down the meat and potatoes of running the town. Good questions asked; people had an- swers and I learned a lot. However, an Ron Jones  SEE LETTERS PAGE 5 non-respectful attitude displayed at his swearing in by Mr. Foster. One person said it well, “Couldn’t his constituents accept their victory in a more gracious way?” And why did he not control his people with any further outbursts? His comment should have been, “thank you, but let’s pull together and get down to business.” After the budget work session, I held Patricia Anderson Quartzsite Town Council At the Council meeting on June 22, Paw Power Animal Shelter Recall Capital? ARFS! YIPS! & PURRRRS!

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