Up & Coming Weekly

November 26, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM NOVEMBER 27- DECEMBER 3, 2019 UCW 21 EDUCATION The gift of education — the perfect gift by HARPER SHACKELFORD This is the season we wait for every year. It is a time to give thanks for the good things we have and also a time to share blessings with others. Do you need a new and unique gift idea that will not only satisfy the need to give but also significantly impact the life of the person receiving it? Consider paying for someone's education. Why is this idea so important? Cuts in federal and state aid programs make it harder for students to fund educational opportunities without having to take on part- or full-time employment. When students have time to participate in case competi- tions and clubs, collaborate with faculty, test career options and network with alumni, they find the edu- cational journey much more fulfilling. Furthermore, a student who experiences the benefit of receiving is more apt to give back to others in the future. Here are a few qualities of Fayetteville Technical Community College that you may not know about. • Great name recognition: Last year, 30,000 individuals participated in studies at FTCC, involving over 280 educational pathways. • Greater earning potential: On average, com- munity college graduates will earn more than graduates with a four-year degree. • Quality instruction: Community College graduates transferring to a four-year institution will academically do better than students who started at the four-year school. • Affordability: The cost of tuition at the com- munity college is $76 a credit hour. At many four-year institutions, the cost of tuition is $350 per hour or greater. • Incur less debt: Community college students will have reduced loan debt because educa- tional expenses are much less. Would you like to give a gift that changes a person's life? There are several ways to get started. Here are just a few. 1. Meet with your financial planner and set up a 529 plan. This is a gift from you to the student and is used to fund educational experiences. There are also tax benefits that your financial planner can discuss with you. FTCC accepts payments from 529 college savings plans and 529 prepaid tuition plans. 2. Create a general scholarship for students through the FTCC Foundation office. You have input on the selection criteria and are not obligated to con- tinue the funding past your initial donation. 3. Establish an endowed scholarship through the FTCC Foundation office. An endowed scholarship differs from a general scholarship in that the general scholarship runs out once the donor no longer funds it. Students receive money from the appreciation of the investment only. The principal remains intact. 4. Make a payment on behalf of a student at either the cashier's area in the Thomas McLean Administration Building or the cashier's area in the Tony Rand Student Center. Investing in someone's education can change a life forever. To learn more about funding scholarships for stu- dents, call the FTCC Foundation Office at 910-678- 8441 to schedule an appointment. Investment in a student's education is a gift that keeps on giving. HARPER SHACKELFORD, FTCC Dean of Enrollment Management. Comments? Edi- tor@upandcomingweekly.com. 910-484-6200.

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