Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1120003
MAY 22-28, 2019 UCW 27 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM WEEKLY HOROSCOPE NEWS OF THE WEIRD by the Editors at Andrews McMeel Syndication Free speech TSA agents at Juneau Interna- tional Airport logged unexpected cargo on April 15 when a "large or- ganic mass" was spotted in a trav- eler's carry-on bag. TSA spokes- person Lisa Farbstein explained to KTOO that such a flag can indicate the presence of explosives. How- ever, when agents opened the bag, they found a plastic grocery bag full of moose "nuggets." "The pas- senger told the TSA officers that he collects this and likes to present it 'for politicians and their (bleep) policies,'" Farbstein explained. The passenger was not detained and was allowed to continue on with his bag of moose poop. Later that day, the Anchorage Daily News re- ported that a man was seen at the state capitol, handing out baggies of moose nuggets in protest of Gov. Mike Dunleavy's proposed budget. [KTOO, 4/26/2019] Oops Runners of the Belfast City Mara- thon on May 5 who felt the course would never end had a legitimate reason, CNN reported. Organizing committee chairman David Seaton admitted later that "approximately 460 additional meters were added to the officially measured course of 26.2 miles," a difference of about three-tenths of a mile. Seaton blamed the mistake on "human error, with the lead car diverting from the official route." Organizers promised to adjust runners' times to account for the additional mile- age. [CNN, 5/5/2019] News that sounds like a joke Arnold J. Teeter, 49, became angry while dining at a Perkins restaurant in Painesville, Ohio, on April 16. First, he threw a menu at his waitress; when a manager stepped in, Teeter upped his game and grabbed his pet iguana from under his shirt, twirled it in the air and launched it toward the man- ager. Teeter was charged with dis- orderly conduct — and with cruelty to animals, because Copper, the turquoise iguana, suffered a broken leg in the incident. The Lake Coun- ty Humane Society has taken the fe- male lizard into protective custody and is trying to raise money for the surgery she needs, reports WEWS. No word on whether the Perkins manager suffered any injuries in the incident. [WEWS, 5/3/2019] ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you are a terrific planner, but something is getting in the way of plans to socialize in the days ahead. Commit to seeing friends regardless of the obstacles in your way. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 You can handle difficult situations with ease, Taurus. Others may think that you are uncaring, but you focus on the facts and not the emotions of the situation. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Others look to you for guidance this week, Gemini. Tr y to lead them in the right direc- tion. If you do not have all of the answers, tr y to find them. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Take some time to sort through personal is- sues that may be holding your career back, Cancer. Once you clear your mind, you can focus fully on your career. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 If you find yourself spending more time with your social circle rather than family, you may have to reassess your priorities, Leo. Don't let responsibilities slide. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Direct your energ y toward work in the days ahead, Virgo. ere is a possible promotion in the works, so now is a great time to put your nose to the grindstone. LIBR A - Sept 23/Oct 23 Sometimes the key to success is to know when to step back and take a break, Libra. Periodic respites from the daily grind can help you recharge and refocus. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you may be looking for something new to keep yourself occupied. Tr y learning a new sport or a language. is is a fun way to meet new people and stay busy. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, if you have been procrastinat- ing of late, keep in mind that you will ulti- mately need to get things done. Better to get back on track sooner rather than later. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, support a reputable cause or charity. Doing so sets a positive example, and you will feel better for having done so. Even small efforts can make a profound impact. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 It isn't enough to simply get the job done, Aquarius. You need to do ever ything to the best of your ability. If you do, you will have a sense of accomplishment and pride. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, ask ot hers for help if you are hav- ing any dif f icu lt ies in your persona l life. They can bring a new perspect ive to t he sit uat ion. Question: We are fascinated by the con- tinued success of James Holzhauer on "Jeopardy!" I've heard rumblings that he's ruining the game, or even that his dominance is somehow boring. Do you think his approach will change the way "Jeopardy!" is played, and is that a bad thing for my favorite quiz show? — Dana Matt Roush: For "Jeopardy!" to be- come a national obsession again in its 35th season is remarkable, and so is the game play of Holzhauer. Just about everyone I know (including my mom, who watches precious little TV anymore) is talking about him, almost always admiringly. His bold approach to working the board from the bottom in the first round, amassing a bank his opponents can rarely keep pace with — and then going all in on Daily Doubles — is riveting. e opposite of boring, in fact. Will this change the way the game is played going forward? It's possible, although when things get back to "nor- mal" once James' run is over — and one of these nights he'll make a big wager, get stumped and not be able to recover — we'll likely learn that very few can successfully adopt James' strategy. ere will always be players who try to shake things up, but there are just as many who revere the game played traditionally. I'm just glad "Jeopardy!" has become must-see-TV again, not that it has ever been anything else but that for me. To submit questions to TV Critic Matt Roush, go to tvinsider.com. by Damian Holbrook Jeers to "American Idol" for going majorly flat. Seriously, a clip show? It's no wonder the April 22 episode (with judges Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Luke Bryan) earned the ABC reboot its lowest ratings to date. "Idol" should have taken a cue from "e Bachelor" and aired an "Idols Tell All" dishfest fea- turing eliminated contestants instead. Cheers to "Busy Tonight" for be- ing the sunniest, funniest late-night escape and free of the politics and forced party games of most p.m. talk shows. E!'s delightfully accessible Busy Philipps offers her celeb guests a comfy couch on which to let loose and viewers a happy place to end the day. M A G A Z I N E Inspire. Educate. Empower. Celebrate. facebook.com/pg/WomensViewMagazine • 910-484-6200