Up & Coming Weekly

June 20, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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JUNE 21-27, 2017 UCW 13 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM EVENTS SARAH STRICKER, Contributing Writer. COMMENTS? Editor@upand- comingweekly.com. 910.484.6200. His Outreach Worldwide will host Faith and Family Fun Night alongside the Fayetteville Swamp- Dogs on June 30 at J.P. Riddle Stadium. As the SwampDogs take on the Wilmington Sharks, fans can enjoy the game and some entertainment, too. Lynne O'Quinn, founder of HOW, said there will be many family-friendly activities, such as bouncy houses and face painting, for children. e outreach-focused nonprof- it's mission is "to reach children of the world with the gospel and love of Jesus Christ," according to its wesbite at hisoutreachworldwide. org. On game night, donate a new stuffed animal for children with critical health concerns at Cape Fear Valley Hospital. e donation of a stuffed animal will serve as guest's entry payment for a raffle prize basket donated by the SwampDogs. e SwampDogs will accompany a division of HOW that partners with the North Carolina Ronald McDonald Houses, His Shining Stars, to deliver the plush toys. e SwampDogs began a relationship with HOW after Hurricane Matthew aligned their otherwise different and separate missions. "is is how com- munity helps community," O'Quinn said. "We have remained best friends." Lost N Found, a local contemporary Christian southern rock band, is also teaming up to support HOW's efforts by playing the pre-game show. John Kennedy, band member and manager, said they'd be performing a wide variety of songs, including songs from their album "Going Home." e band's original music is "spiritually inspired or it is not played," Lost N Found's website says. "Each song has scripture backing up the content." O'Quinn said she's excited for the band to play as their relationship extends over a decade to a time when Kennedy and Rob Greene, lead guitar, played for a secular band. "Two of the members in Lost N Found were mem- bers of a southern rock band that I managed years ago," O'Quinn said. "We just recently reconnected when they started Lost N Found (and) when we real- ized we were both working for the Lord." Kennedy said O'Quinn was "involved in a music project with myself and the lead guitarist for Lost N Found in the 90s." "We had lost touch and then via Facebook we were reunited a few months ago," Kennedy said. "We met with Lynne for a brief reunion and were immediately led to help her with HOW any way we could. It was amazing how both of us were in ministry all these years later," Kennedy said. O'Quinn said God brought her together with Lost N Found and the SwampDogs for such a time as this. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the baseball game is set to begin at 7:05 p.m. His World Outreach Seerves More than Hot Dogs by SARAH KAYLAN STRICKER ( 9 1 0 ) 6 7 8 - 8 4 0 0 • w w w . f a y t e c h c c . e d u Fall classes begin August 21st! Registration is going on now! Over 250 programs of study - Many programs completely online! Start your journey at FTCC to an exciting, new career! make the SMART choice to register EARLY for FALL CLASSES! His Outreach Worldwide and the Fayetteville SwampDogs are teaming up to help children.

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