Up & Coming Weekly

June 06, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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JUNE 7-13, 2017 UCW 15 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM It's spring. e warm weather is perfect for festivals, trips to the beach and music under the stars. at's where Fayetteville After 5 excels — music under the stars. e second Friday of the month, May through August, local bands and regional headliners hit the stage for an evening of entertainment and memory-making. e season opened on May 12 with e Tams. On June 9, 120 Minutes brings best of the '90s to Festival Park. Hailing from Raleigh, the band features cov- ers of all the '90s favorites including Nirvana, Gin Blossoms, ird Eye Blind, Britney Spears, e Spice Girls, Veruca Salt, Pearl Jam, Weezer, TLC, Duncan Sheik, Backstreet Boys, Aqua, Faith Hill, Santana feat. Rob omas, Spacehog, e Cranberries, Better an Ezra, Smashing Pump- kins, Blur, Collective Soul, Green Day, Stone Temple Pilots, Everclear and more. "I love getting to see the joy in peo- ple's faces when we start into one of their favorite songs," said bandmem- ber John Booker. "Watching people sing along with us, dance, and just enjoy life. It's always a big party, these songs are pure fun." On July 14, On the Border: e Ultimate Eagles Tribute Band returns to Fayetteville After 5. e Charlotte-based band is a favorite in Fayetteville and performs along the east coast as far north as Boston. It's a family-friendly show and one sure to get your feet tapping and have the midway filled with dancers. July 22, Country music performer Kasey Tyndall will play. Tyndall is from Eastern North Carolina. She struck out for Nashville in 2014 and by 2016 had more than 100 tour dates. Her recent EP "Everything Is Texas" has all the hallmarks of a country song, namely heartbreak. But it's based on a true story. "Fayetteville After 5 is always a blast, I've been able to make it out to a few of them in the past, and I even played one a few years ago with my U2 tribute band," said Booker of 120 Minutes. "We're honored to be able to bring all these great '90s covers to the good people of Fayetteville — to take us back to all the fun hits of the '90s and just unwind, relax and enjoy great times and great music." e gates open at 5 p.m. Music starts between 7 and 7:30 p.m. No outside food or beverages are per- mitted in the park. R.A. Jeffries offers beverages for sale. ere is also food available for purchase. Bring a blanket or a chair to sit on and your friends and family to share the experience. Find out more about Fayetteville After 5 at www.faydog- woodfestival.com or by calling (910) 323-1934. STEPHANIE CRIDER, Associate Publisher. COMMENTS? Editor@upand- comingweekly.com. 910.484.6200 Music in the Park: Fayetteville After 5 by STEPHANIE CRIDER EVENTS 120 Minutes is set to headline Fayetteville After 5 on June 9 in Festival Park.

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