Up & Coming Weekly

June 06, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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JUNE 7-13, 2017 UCW 11 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Private and non- profit agencies that provide valuable services to the community are often referred to by local governments as "outside agencies." ey offer services that are aligned with city and county strategic plans but are not part of the government. Over time, these offices have become at least partially dependent on some government funding. Many of them also receive funds from the Cumberland County United Way. e annual budget process can be disappointing for the outsiders as city and county governing boards deal with revenue deficits and downturns in tax receipts. Cumberland County Manager Amy Cannon has proposed 15 percent cuts in current fiscal year appropriations for the 21 agencies receiving support from the county. Fayetteville's Airborne & Special Operations Museum, which is owned by the U.S. Army but funded by a private foundation, received $200,000 from the county this year. e contribution would be reduced to $170,000 if county commissioners approve the community funding budget as submitted. Smaller offices, like the Contact telephone crisis hotline, would lose $1,000 of its $6,874 budget. e Cumberland County Veterans Council received $7,000 this year and would lose $1,050 next year. e Center for Economic Empowerment and Development, would lose $1,600 in the year ahead. In all, county government provides nearly $789,000 to local agencies which would be cut by $117,500 in FY18. e City of Fayetteville is not proposing any budget cuts for the outsiders. Funding Community Agencies by JEFF THOMPSON Fayetteville's Airborne & Special Operations Museum would receive reduced funding of $170,000 this year. NEWS Free Papers Working For You "Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost." omas Jeff erson e liberty we enjoy in this country came about because ordinary citizens stood up against the big guys. ey gathered together to read how others were doing the same. How did they do that? By reading their local community paper. We, too, stand up against the big guys to bring the best our community has to off er each issue. Free community papers continue to connect us in ways other media can't. We are free. We are available to everyone. We are local. Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press. We will continue working hard so that all our freedoms can be preserved. You live in the land of the free.

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