Up & Coming Weekly

June 06, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/833793

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10 UCW JUNE 7-13, 2017 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM FOR WEDNESDAY DISTRIBUTION ROUTE CONTACT DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Laurel Handforth @ (910) 484-6200 or Email laurel@upandcomingweekly.com for further information. MUST HAVE VEHICLE, VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE AND INSURANCE JUN 16 JUN 27 U P C O M I N G E V E N T S 159 MAXWELL STREET, FAYETTEVILLE (910) 483-8133 | FAYBIZ.COM S E R V I N G O U R C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 8 9 9 JUN 30 J U N 15 Chairman's Coffee Club Sponsored by Fayetteville Public Works Commission Ramada Plaza 1707 Owen Dr. 7:30 AM J U N 22 Business After Hours Email Kelly Moore at KMoore@FayBiz.com for information 5:30 PM J U L 11 Small Business Networking Breakfast Sponsored by Up & Coming Weekly 159 Maxwell St 8:30 AM LETTER FROM THE CEO As our Chamber moves into our next fi scal year on July 1, our members will see signifi cant and positive changes. The feedback I have gotten from extensive visits with our community leaders is that wonderful things are happening for the Fayetteville/ Cumberland County area and the Chamber is the one who should be leading the business community through this progress. Our plans for 2017-18 include introducing two new events which the public will enjoy – Bikes & Barbecue and Martinis & Mistletoe later this year, which will showcase our restaurants, and provide some much-needed fun! You will see our Military Affairs Council (MAC) become even more active – continuing with our Fall and Spring socials while adding programming to support our troops, military families, jobs for military spouses, and helping to keep our transitioning military members here in town and perhaps starting their own businesses! We will continue to partner with government, education and local organizations to ensure this area remains a top-notch place to live, work and enjoy all this area offers. Our Government Affairs Committee will keep you posted about legislation important to business, and we will make our collective voice heard on issues that matter. In addition to our on-going networking, education and training opportunities, we will also take on a major role by being a conduit for information about the amazing developments planned for the downtown and across the county. Our businesses need that resource and we intend to meet that need. Now is the time to engage in your community, and we invite you to do that through the Greater Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce! Christine Michaels President & CEO

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