Desert Messenger

April 4, 2012

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Page 10 April 4, 2012 by Joanne Winer The volunteers and board members of the Quartzsite Community Thrift Store are happy to be able to give another donation out this month, and it was voted to help the Scholars' Academy with their school lunches for those who need them. A check for $500 was presented by board member Jake Fogle to Mr. Steve Mc- Clenning last week, and it is hoped to be able to do more as funds allow. With the summer months approaching, many people are leaving town, and many of the volunteers at the store are also leaving or have left already, so we are going to be on our summer hours starting this week. We will be open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Any donations are welcome, and can be brought during business hours, or you can call Joanne at 928-927-6551 or Jini Dill at 928-927-6039, if you have things to bring or be picked up after business hours. We also pick things up any other time--call Jini and arrange it with her. Thank you to everyone in the community who helps us help others by donating items and supporting the store by shopping there. We really appreciate you all. PHOTO: Left to right: QCTS Board member Jake Fogle, students Richard Aaron, Alyssa Carter, and Scholars' Academy Principal Steve McClenning. Quartzsite Community Thrift Store donates to Scholars' Academy for lunches AWC Student based in Quartzsite receives scholarship Yuma, AZ - Arizona Western College(AWC) is proud to announce student, Marie Wister, recently was awarded the Soroptimist Women's Opportunity Award Scholarship of $1000. Earlier this month, at a Sorop- timist Women's Luncheon Wister was honored. The Women's Opportunity Award is KBUX Quartzsite Radio 94.3 FM • Quartzsite's Favorite "CLASSIC HITS" • Local Information • Weather • 24 Hours Day / 7 Days Week! 928-927-5111 First locally-owned and operated music station in Quartzsite, Arizona. Proudly serving the communities of Quartzsite, Bouse, Brenda, Rainbow Acres, La Paz Valley and beyond, since 1988. 690 E. Main - Quartzsite (one block east of Family Dollar) 928-927-6551 a cash award given to women who are seeking to improve their economic sta- tus by gaining additional skills, train- ing or education. These awards are not scholarships, but rather cash awards to offset any costs associated with their efforts to attain higher education, in- cluding tuition, books, supplies, and childcare or transportation costs. The program starts on a local level with a cash award of $1,000. The recipient then goes on to regional and interna- tional competitions where the award money reaches as much as $15,000. As part of the application Marie was required to submit an essay describ- ing obstacles that she has had to over- come in her life, which was read at the luncheon. Marie is majoring in Crimi- nal Justice and she attends the AWC Quartzsite campus. Wister told Yuma Sun, "After the death of my niece, she was going to go to college and I thought to myself if I could do anything in her memory it would be to go back to school and do what she might have done because she was 17 when she passed away and she wanted to go into the legal fi eld and so I decided that's what I would do and I went after my criminal justice degree." PHOTO: from left to right are: Soropti- mist International of Parker Secretary, Sherri Newman, AWC student, Marie Wister, and Soroptimist Int'l of Parker President, Jamee Price. JOSEPH BRUNO • BACK FLOW SPECIALIST 115 N. Emelia, PO Box 581, Quartzsite ABPA Certified No. 29-00027 928-916-4965 775-790-3260 READER'S OASIS BOOKS Local Resident! Serving Quartzsite area!

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