Desert Messenger

April 4, 2012

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Page 8 Around Town April 2-6 QES Book Fair QES Spring Book fair will be held at Quartzsite Elementary School through April 6th from 8:30am- 10:30am and 1-3pm. April 4, 8am Coffee With Cops Quartzsite Police Department in- vites you to Town Hall for "Coffee with Cops" on the fi rst Wednes- day of each month from 8am-9am. ...and donuts, too! Join Quartz- site Police Chief Jeff Gilbert and Quartzsite Police offi cers on the fi rst Wednesday of each month! Here's your chance to bring your questions and concerns to the Quartzsite Police Department. For more information call the station at 928-927-4644. April 7 Good Friday Service The annual Community Good Fri- day service will be held Friday, April 6th at noon. This year the ser- vice will be held at First Assembly of God, 665 W. Tyson, Quartzsite. April 7 Good Friday Tenebrae Covenant Lutheran will be holding a Good Friday "Tenebrae" Service at 1 p.m. on Friday, April 7th. Cov- enant Lutheran Church is located 270 E. Cowell St., Quartzsite. April 7 Easter Egg Hunt The 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held at Quartzsite Town Park on Saturday, April 7th at 9am sharp. There will be prizes for special eggs found. Parents: If you would like to donate drop off candy fi lled eggs by Friday, April 6, 5pm. If you wish to volunteer to We're here for the WHOLE season! Specializing in RV Battery Fill Systems, Battery Charging, Towing Products and Infrared Tire Thermometers. 888-447-4552 hide eggs or for more information, call Tracey or Yesenia at 928-927- 9182. April 14 Cruise-in Join the fun for the next Cruise Night at the Q Check Shell Station, Sat. April 18, at 6pm. Cruise Night started during the summer and continues every other Saturday night for folks to gether and check out the classic and antique vehi- cles. There's specials on hot dogs, drinks, and ice cream. Check out the cool vehicles and enjoy your neighbors and make new friends. April 26 Drunk Driving reinactment Quartzsite Fire and Police depart- ments, DPS, La Paz County Sheriff, Carefl ight, River Medical, Schol- ars' Academy, Beaver Insurance, and Quartzsite Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition members are joining forces to provide students a realistic reinactment of a drunk driving accident scene, including accident victims, use of the Jaws of Life, and more. The event will take place 9am on Thursday, April 26 at Town Park. Public is invited. Scholars' Academy February Student of the Month Samantha Echard, 9th grader Scholars' Academy Achievers Honor Roll: Will Pearson, Taylor Watson, Cassandra Pasley, Jorge Moreira, LeeAnn Rees, Marissa Heidelberg, John Weyandt, Juanita Castellanos, Alyssa Carter, Joseph Hager Principal's Honor Roll: Celeste Padilla, Jade Thompson, Samantha Echard, Kesia Ferris, Toni Bendon, Jessica Rascon, Angie Howell, Berenice Delfi n, Tim Martin, Miriam Tinoco, Joe Madera AAA Will Pearson, Taylor Watson, Jorge Moreira, John Weyandt, Juanita Castellanos, Celeste Padilla, Jade Thompson, Samantha Echard, Kesia Ferris, Jessica Rascon, Tim Martin, Joe Madera Top 5 Quarter 2 Jade Thompson, Celeste Padilla, Taylor Watson, Will Pearson, Mari Baeza Top 10 Quarter 2 Kesia Ferris, Samantha Echard, Toni Bendon, Berenice Delfi n, Alyssa Carter, Miriam Tinoco, Jorge Moreira, Cassie Pasely, Joe Madera, Joseph Hager UPCOMING QUARTZSITE DATES: All Classes are held at Senior Center Wednesdays: April 25, 10am and 2pm July 11, 10am & 2pm September 19, 10am & 2pm November 14, 10am & 2pm Wednesdays & Fridays in December and January 9am & 10:30am BUYS & SELLS GOLD Nature's Nuggets We pay 80% of Spot & Up Gold Sand Concentrates Placer Gold 24 Mesh Size up to Nuggets Call Richard 928-927-5479 • 435-730-3388 In Quartzsite over 15 Years! Quartzsite Licensed Business Just Rambling... Is she is or is she ain't? We have a cat with a high IQ. So we named her Smarty. Took her to the Vet Monday, the 26th, for the usual operations, shots etc. Prior to surgery the Vet's office called. Smarty is not a lady cat. I guess with long hair, it's hard to tell. I'm too shy to check. The name stays. He comes home Friday. Provided by Elmer London & Desert Messenger April 4, 2012 Food Handlers Classes La Paz County Health Dept. provides Food Handler Classes in Quartzsite. The classes are held on Wednesdays. In De- cember and January, the Department adds Friday classes to the schedule. La Paz County Health Regulations require that all food handlers or those people handling equipment must ob- tain a Food Handlers card prior to working in a food booth. Food Han- dler cards cost $15 (fees waived for volunteers for non-profi t groups) can be obtained by coming to Health De- partment on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday (7:00 am – 5:00 pm) to watch the video and take the test with a score of 70% or higher (retakes al- lowed) or by presenting a current food handlers card from another jurisdic- tion and paying cost of La Paz card, or by claiming extensive food knowledge and taking the test (no retakes without watching the video). The food handler card must be obtained annually.

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