Desert Messenger

April 4, 2012

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Page 6 opportunity to thank everyone for making this year's Party in the Park to celebrate Celia's Rainbow Gardens such a big success again this year. The party was supposed to take place on the 18th, our usual weekend to have it, but due to the storm that weekend we moved it to the 25th. It was a much bet- ter day for it than it would have been, in spite of the winds, and we ended up blocking off the winds with tarps and it worked out much better. This year, over 300 people showed By Joanne Winer Paul and I would like to take this up to help us celebrate Celia's birth- day (March 28--she would have been 26 this year), and also to celebrate the Gardens. This project started in 1995, a year after Celia died, and has been going strong ever since. We have accomplished a lot during the years, and this is now one of the most visited Party in park huge success this year places in the area, with thousands of people walking through every year. New things are being added all the time, and areas are being worked on to fi nish them off. This project is mostly done through volunteers, and we have been very fortunate to have some great people helping over the years. We hope to do a lot more this year before the hot summer, and are looking for- ward to people coming back in the fall to help out again. The party was successful because of all the volunteers who helped make it run so smoothly. A special thanks to Jake Fogle for helping me pick up tables and legs (and tarps) the day be- fore, and for helping at the party as well as his wife Margaret. They are wonder- ful people and work in the thrift store with me. Also a special thanks to the Fire Department for the use of their tables for the event. Don Dill and son Steve deserve a big thanks for help- ing Paul get his piano out to the park and back, and for helping with the tear down. Anita Carlson and Jini Dill set up and helped by doing the raffl es and selling tickets. A special thanks also to the General Store for all their help ordering and storing the food for me again this year. They have always sup- ported the Gardens and we can't thank them enough for all they do for our community and for us. My kitchen crew consisted also of Black Hills Gold Jewelry, Moun� ngs, Gems, Minerals, Gem Stone Jewelry & Black Hills Gold Jewelry JEWELRY • FINDINGS AMERICAN INDIAN JEWELRY & POTTERY BEADS • Southwest & How-to Books Open Daily 8-5 Sun. 9-4 Closed Tuesday 1250 W. Main, Quartzsite (across from McDonald's) 928-927-6381, Fax 928-927-4814 Quartzsite Coachworks On Site RV Repair Now Offering Experienced Auto Mechanic Work A/C • Electrical • Plumbing • Roof Repair • All Appliances CALL TODAY! 760-799-2370 RV Specialist PO Box 5082 • Quartzsite, AZ 85359 Serving the RVing Community since1977 Mon-Fri great cooks Greg Mulac, Joe Winslow and Tony Carnevale who kept those burgers and hot dogs coming as fast as they could. Lois Dupree put them together. Stephanie Mulac and her daughters Marina and Morgan helped frost the cakes, serve the food and lem- onade and clean up. Joanne Leary also helped a lot with serving and cleanup, as did another lady who told me her name but I have since forgotten it-- should have written it down!! I hope they all know how much we appreci- ated all their help!!! Also, several oth- er gentlemen helped get the tarps up and down (in the wind), and we really thank them. I must also say a very spe- cial thanks to Judge Kimberlin, Park employee--I had totally forgotten to pick up the key for the gate and electric box, and after making several calls, fi - nally reached him and he very kindly came in to town to open up for me!!! Couldn't have done it without him!! The entertainment this year was again Barefoot and Boots Band--a great group of talented musicians who have graciously donated their time for this party (and our spaghetti dinners) for many years, and a special thanks to Jerry Mullins for always being there for us for the past 16 years!!! Hope you never retire, Jerry!! Paul had his piano brought out, and he and Ralph Martin on one string washtub bass also put on a great performance again. Every- one loved the music and stayed for the whole time just enjoying themselves. April 4, 2012 We also want to thank everyone for coming out in the wind and sharing this special day with us. It makes what is a diffi cult day for us so much better to share it with friends. ASK update By Nancy Schwedt Quartzsite- A.S.K. (Adults Sharing with Kids) is a soon to be not-for-profi t company here in Quartzsite. Our pur- pose is to provide the kids of Quartz- site an opportunity to participate in a variety of enrichment programs- sports, arts, crafts, etc. We have a vast resource of talents adults in Quartz- site with our year round residents and winter visitors. Let's share that talent and knowledge with our local kids. A.S.K. has been doing some fundrais- ing around town. We sold lunch at the ATV parade, had a bake sale at the Chili Cook Off, hosted a yard sale and held a 50/50 raffl e. All of our fundraising ef- forts have been a success thanks to our wonderful volunteers (too many to list) and everyone who supported A.S.K. by buying food, a yard sale item, or a raffl e ticket. This has been a great start and we are now in the process of complet- ing the paperwork to incorporate. The winner of our 50/50 raffl e was drawn at the end of our yard sale Sun- day, March 11. The winning ticket was drawn by 11 year old ZeBeeDee of Cali- fornia, who was at the yard sale with his mother. Thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket and congratu- lations to the winner, Rev. Thomas of Quartzsite. A.S.K. is being started by Nancy Schwedt and Scott Pate. If you would like more information, to volunteer, or make a donation, please call us at 928-927-6249. Quiet Times 928-927-8081 BIG SELECTIONS OF: Greeting Cards Shipping Supplies Offi ce Supplies Drop off for UPS & FedEx Express 90 E. Main Street, Quartzsite 10 to 4 8 1/2 x 11 & 12 x 12 Paper & Cardstock Envelopes SW Gifts Fax Service Copies Flyers Laminations Business Cards Address Labels

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