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Page 4 Enjoys walking path, but... We would like to compliment the Town of Quartzsite on the wonderful walking path they have. We have seen a lot of people using it and we use it ourselves. However… the dog feces re- ally ruins the pleasure of its use, not only the walking path, but also the streets. If you have a pet, be a respon- sible owner. Pick up after them! J. and M. Harris Dog Park On a recent trip to Lake Havasu City, a neighbor and I stopped off at one of their dog parks. A friend who lives in Havasu was to meet us there with her dog. My dog was with us, and the fi ve of us spent a very pleasant hour together, playing and talking. The dogs could run as they wished, and we people could sit in the shade of a tree when we wanted. As we were getting ready to leave, we talked about how nice it would be to have a dog park in Quartzsite. What will it take to have a dog park THE PEOPLE'S VOICE their dogs' droppings; and access to parking. A little improvement in the amenities might include a double gate at the entrance, benches for people to sit, some shade, and bags for the drop- pings. In this land of xeriscaping, turf, which needs to be watered, is an un- necessary amenity. Someone will need to take on such a project to see that it happens. I know there are some vague plans to create a dog park "someday". I look forward to our dog park in the not so distant future. Diane Fraser Think about it You have just recalled a very dan- here? The basic elements are: a little land, and that is already available at the Town Park; a good fence, to pro- tect the dogs while they are there, and to protect people outside the area from an unwelcome intrusion; potable wa- ter, for both the dogs and their human friends; a covered trash receptacle, so responsible owners can dispose of LETTERS TO EDITOR POLICY Desert Messenger encourages letters from its readers. Letters should be no longer than 300 words, and may be ed- ited for grammar, content and length. OPINIONS EXPRESSED HERE DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THOSE OF THE DESERT MESSENGER. We invite you to not only see a prob- gerous person that is in cahoots with another person that wants to take over our Town. This person has had a vision of controlling our Town for the last 21 years. You all know who this person is, he has tried to come into power and if he does thru Foster and their under- lings he will control our Town. Is this what you want? I certainly hope not. The puppets that this person controls will do his bidding and you will suffer very badly for it. These people want to send our Town into bankruptcy so this one person lem, but search for the solution to share with the community, keeping the bene�it of all in mind. Letters considered libelous, in poor common or similar names, writers must provide a full name and indicate the name they are known by. Writers must provide a full street address and phone number. Rvers can provide the location of park/BLM land, etc. Street addresses will not be published. Phone numbers are for veri�ication only and will not be printed. Mail letters to: Desert Messenger, P.O. Box 3185, Quartzsite, AZ 85359 or E-mail to: 541-218-2560 taste, on a personal issue, mean spir- ited or dominated by Scripture quotes will not be published. Third party letters will not be accepted. To avoid confusion over people with 928-927-6589 MOBILE SERVICE ONLY Betty Crenshaw CML Owner 37 Years Experience LOCK & KEY C & B Residential Commercial Autos RVs Bonded - Insured BLM Approved Serving Quartzsite and Surrounding Areas on the southwest side will control our Town. I don't have to tell you that the dis- sidents have been taking orders from this unsavory character and they are doing a heck-of-a job. Without the In- ternet and the unsavory newspapers these dissidents could not have gotten this far. They have convinced out-of-staters to vote illegally and they do not realize that these out-of-staters will very pos- sibly face a $500 fi ne from the MVD for not registering their vehicles and procuring an Arizona driver's license. However you, the legal residences, April 4, 2012 offi ce and their goal when they take over is to disincorporate the town and become part of the county again. When this happens, Mr. Oldham would buy the water and sewer department and will make millions selling these ser- vices back to the people of Quartzsite; and the aforementioned will make lots of money working for him. Do you think the county will use that money to pay the town department? I don't think so, when they can take his mon- ey, tax you for the old department and use the money elsewhere. Now do you think you will be able to afford to live here pay rent or sell your property? Everyone is so afraid the town wants must take into consideration just who is leading these dissidents, that have no property or permanent ties to our Town, into taking charge of our Town fi nances and our future growth. Please believe me, all you citizens who want steady growth and a sound economy, please keep our current Town manager and our current Police Chief. You can only do this by voting for Jerry Lukkasson, Barbara Cowell and Joe Winslow. The others are only Richard's proté- gés and you surly do not want them controlling our Town. Rumors and hearsay As always our town is fi lled with ru- Wes Huntley Quartzsite mors and hearsay. I don't like to pass these on without checking the facts. At this time I feel it is fruitless because of the people involved and my fear to approach them even though they are running for town council and would like to be my representative. The rumor and hearsay is Richard Oldham is behind Ed Foster, Jennifer "Jade" Jones, John Prutch, Pat Work- man and Mark Orgeron, running for to turn Quartzsite into Palm Springs but with this plan we will have the taxes and high rents without the ser- vices of Palm Springs. These rumors and hearsay came from some of these same people over a cup of coffee at a local restaurant here in town and was overheard by others. Sounds pretty far-fetched doesn't it? Don't think it can happen here? Well it can by a vote of the people or if you have the right judge, he can also do it. So if that was your goal and you owned several parcels of property the last thing you would want was to be stuck with them when the county takes over. If you go to www.azbestlistings. com/idx/city/quartzsite/ you will see that Mr. Oldham has listed his proper- ties here in Quartzsite with an out of town real estate company (something else to hide behind.) I have made up my mind about these rumors and hearsay; now it's up to the voters of Quartzsite to make up theirs. Concerned Citizen Carolyn Guthrie QFD appreciation Las Casas de Quartzsite and Senior Housing are very lucky to have the Quartzsite Fire Department right down the road. It's comforting to know that we can count on their prompt re- SEE LETTERS PAGE 5 Now Open in Quartzsite! WiGo Communication Computer Sales & Accessories Computer Repair Center Cell Phone Service Provider & Accessories Wireless, Keyboards, USB Cords, Data Storage, Routers, Switches, More! 395 N. Central Blvd. Open Mon-Fri. 10-5 928-927-5958